Monday, November 30, 2009

TW Workbook #2 - week 2 review

The most significant thing God taught me this week:
My body is not my own. It's amazing for me to contemplate that the Holy Spirit actually sets up residence within me. Oh how I need to allow Him, the Ruler of the universe, to be Ruler and King in my own life, to honor Him, to seek Him, to be WILLING to surrender, to not harden myself with the sin of gluttony, to allow His kingdom come His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

At least one change that has occurred in my life since last week at this time:
I am beginning to become more aware once again of #5 (satisfaction) approaching.

The most significant thing that God helped me to observe this week that I will focus on correcting next week:

* Seek Him MORE.

* And begin to APPLY honoring Him with my body on a practical level. The things that I felt God speaking to me in this regard are:
1.) Allow my body to be a living sacrifice in total surrender to Him - give Him ALL OF ME.
2.) Serve Him by serving others. My body can be used by Him - my feet to carry me to places He wants me to go, my lips to encourage and bless others, my hands to care for others, my arms to hug, my ears to listen...etc.
3.) Put good stuff in my body - fruits & veggies, less sugar
4.) Eat only what my body needs.
5.) Move my body so I can stay healthy and strong and serve others.
God created my body and life with a purpose in mind. I need to keep this perspective.

Here is something I felt was a challenge and encouragement to me that was posted here on the TW forum:

1) to speak a heartfelt prayer before we eat (more than just a blessing) inviting Jesus to join us for the meal while being mindful that Jesus is our unseen guest at the meal. If Jesus were really there...eating with us in the flesh, He wouldn't be gorging Himself with food...He's be looking at us, smiling, and focusing on us. We are going to try and do the same...focusing on Him, while sharing a meal together.

2) By putting the fork down in between bites, it's as if we are pausing for conversation with Him...thanking Him for His provision of the food and focusing more on Him than on the food. In the course of the meal, we are asking Him to reveal His plans and purposes for us. We're listening to what He has to we share this meal together.

This is what we're hoping be obedient to whatever He has to say
to us!

What I have learned about the character of God as sovereign and good, and how I have come to know and be drawn closer to Him:
I am struck again and again by how He truly is ABOVE ALL....Ruler, King, All-knowing, All-powerful. And on top of all that He is GOOD. He is gracious and kind. And I desire to praise Him name and bring glory to Him in every way possible.

My prayer requests:
#1. To not overindulge this week as I head up a homemade chocolate making night at church. Lot of temptations will be lying around.
#2. To be surrendered at all times, to have an undivided heart, to walk in His truth. LOOK, ASK, WALK.

My praise and thanksgiving thoughts:
God is good. I am so thankful for His graciousness, His kindness and mercy. And I am thankful for His purposes. I'm also so thankful for His promise to bring His good work to completion in me one day. That is such an encouragement to me. I cling to Him. I press on.

1 comment:

  1. You have a wonderful blog! I love to see other believers talking about His goodness. Together, we can reach more people. Would you join my blog?
