Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Another Three Days (and a weigh-in)

Well, another three day time period has come and gone. I have felt so thankful for this challenge to push myself to focus on a three day stretch at a time. It really helps me to not see temptations as "just this one time" because it is part of a three day chunk of time.

I felt like eating 0-5 was almost like breathing the past three days. It felt like it just fell into place wonderfully and came naturally. I hope and pray this continues. I know God helped me through a few tempting spots as well...one of them being when my husband was eating ice cream late at night and I didn't join him as I wasn't hungry. Praise God.

I stepped on the scale as I'd felt prompted to do on this day. I'm a little discouraged because the scale reads 151 lbs. However, at the same time I'm not letting it pull me down or derail my progress. I think the #'s may reflect a bit too much dessert at night. I think I've been a little greedy in that regard.
And then I also haven't been hungry as early in the morning as I used to (used to be hungry by 7:30am...but lately it's been closer to 9am). My observation from this is that I'm probably eating a bit too much at suppertime (particularily in the sweet department). I need to re-examine my #5 for suppertimes.

For some strange reason I just feel at peace right now despite not seeing progress (even a couple pounds up) reflected on the scale. I know that I'm in the place I want to be in regards to eating, exercise and most importantly in my relationship with God. I also know that I don't want the scale to be a central part of my journey. I'm not really sure when I next want to step on the scale, but I'm leaning towards the end of next month. (in some ways I want to discard it until xmas! but that seems a bit too bold at this time! i'll see if I continue to feel led to that!)

So I continue pressing on. I want to continue with these three day challenges and focus on dealing with temptation head on. I also can see that I need to focus on not being mastered by sweets. (I've had a lot of ice cream and mini coffee crisp bars this past week) Praise God for helping me through each moment though! I'm really thankful for His presence, provision, pardon and power! So I continue on....onto another three days:-)


  1. Hi Christina~
    I came here from the TW boards. I don't post often, but I'm Mimi. I just wanted to say though that I really enjoy your blog. I have a long history with dieting/weight issues and feel like I know TW (with Gods lead) is the true path to freedom. However, I have some stubborness that and still appear at times to remain in my own way and while I've done "well" for small periods of time, always revert back to my "old ways" I do love your 3 day challenge idea. I thought to myself. "I (with Gods help) can do this! Three days is a very doable time frame and makes it not seem so overwhelming.

    I like your attitude with the weigh in today and it is my hope to someday be able to also say that I feel at peace with the way I am eating/food etc.

    So, thanks for sharing your story. Its a great encouragement!


  2. Nice to "meet" you Mimi. I think I've ran across some of your posts on the TW board too...just can't think first hand which ones right now:-) Thanks for the feedback.

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    I pray for Mimi as she is on this journey of surrender and trust in You alone. I trust that You will equip her with all she needs for each step of the way. I pray that she would experience Your love, presence, grace and power in a very real and special way each moment of each day.
    In Jesus name, Amen.
