Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I'm posting this with some trepidation because I have gone on and off again with being a completely open book with regards to food and exercise. So so so often I fall short with maintaining godly boundaries and discipline with food and exercise. I have also gotten a bit caught up with concerns about what others may be thinking about my choices etc.

That being said, here are the three main purposes for my Daily Food & Exercise Log:

1. To help hold me accountable to myself and to the Lord. It helps me be more intentional and apply observation/correction more effectively.

2. To be transparent to others that they may also hold me to account and help gently (:-) sharpen me as they feel led by the Lord.

3. As I proceed prayerfully and intentionally, under the canopy of God's grace applying observation and correction along the way, my hope is that others can also learn a thing or two from my failings...make that "learnings"...and also from my victories.

So once again I am choosing to be an "open book." For how long, I'm not sure! As the Lord leads:-)


  1. I am so glad to hear that you are being obedient to what God is having you do at this moment. I always enjoy your blog posts and encouragement! Truly!

  2. I am so glad you are being obedient to what God is calling you to do at this moment. I always appreciate your blog posts and your encouragement! Truly!

  3. I call those' failing's, 'teachable moments'. It is hard 'letting it out there', and fighting off those 'thoughts' of what will other's think of me. Oh my goodness gracious, how Satan likes to do a number on me with that one, but praise God,,PRAISE GOD, greater is He that is in us, than Satan that is in this world, and praise God we have the mind of Christ...


  4. Thanks so much Sister for your words of comfort today at my blog and for "cheering" me on in the faith. You are so right, journaling is an important part of our walk. I can see how God has revealed Himself to me when I view the hundreds of posts in my archives. Thanks again for you support. (((hugs))) and love in Christ Jesus,


  5. Hey there - I'm reopening my Sweet Child of His blog for a similar level of accountability.

    Linkin' up here pretty soon.

