Monday, April 27, 2009

Challenge #8 ~ Slowly Savor

This is the last Thin Within conscious eating key to unpack! Wow, time has flown. And sadly I feel I have not put off the old self and put on the new in the past eight weeks. However, one positive is that I think the eight keys have really been ingrained in my memory much better than ever before. Digesting them one week at a time has given me a chance to absorb and apply the concept more fully.

So, here is the last one....

Eat slowly and savor each bite.

People often eat when they are distracted or distressed. Since we are not eating consciously at these times, the result can be overindulgence. If we eat only when we are hungry, and if we sit down, relax, and focus on our food, we will truly enjoy the eating experience and we can stop the habitual "inhaling" of food. You can enjoy your food, one small bite at a time. Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks (Nehemiah 8:10). As you "enjoy choice food and sweet drinks," you will be surprised how little food it takes to make you feel satisfied. As you eat more slowly, your stomach can accurately signal your brain as to when your physical need for food has been satisfied. TW pg10
This should be a fun and challenging challenge this week:-)

The first thing that comes to mind is that if I am not sitting to eat I am likely not eating slowly, savoring each bite or focusing on the food. I'm likely shoving it in my mouth as fast as I can.

The second thing that comes to mind is that IF I actually ate slowly and savored the food I'd be able to more easily find #5, be focusing on the food and conversation and also be finding which foods are pleasers/teasers/wholebody pleasers or total rejects.

I am looking forward to more consciously applying this key in the upcoming week. I'll let you know how it goes! Anyone else joining me?

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