Saturday, August 30, 2008

Weight Released

Down to 149 lbs as of this morning. This is really encouraging news for me as I've been struggling with being thin from WITHIN lately and asking God to cut out all the roots of greed in my heart (as my posts have been reflecting lately). It's not an easy process...and I have so much more work ahead. Yesterday I felt a lot of peace as I invited God into this process more and surrendered more of myself over to Him. I want to continue walking in surrender to Him moment by moment each day.


  1. Wonderful Christina! I am so glad for you! My official weigh day is tomorrow and so I am excited! =)

    I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you reading my blog and leaving comments. It means the world to me!

  2. Christina, Do you partipate in any of the chats that are at the TW forums? I was just curious. I really would like to join but sometimes it is difficult with the time difference and/or I forget. =)

  3. No, I haven't participated in the chats yet. Of course, I'm on the forum though, as I'm sure you noticed:-) Maybe I'll check out the online chats this fall. I think they were usually on Thursdays and that was one of our busier days of the week last year. If you ever feel like emailing me my address is:

  4. Don't you think its time for a new recent pic on your blog??? =)

  5. Okay, Lil, at your request, I've posted a before and after picture:-)
