Sunday, September 14, 2008

Turning over a new leaf

Okay, that title just seemed fitting as we enter the fall months, so I had to use it!
It's been an interesting past month, after our return from our trip to Mexico. I can say that one thing I'm thankful for is that I haven't completely slipped up and fallen back into pre-TW type days, as I have after most vacations. The last two years I have managed to lose a few pounds prior to vacation and maintain over vacation...but upon returning I would continue eating in vacation-style mode and end up gaining it all back plus some. I feel there have been some real changes that have taken place within because of the Lord, and I also feel better equipped for this journey then in past years, also because of the Lord.

I think I'm going to take a bit of a change in direction and focus over the next here go my ramblings of my thoughts in this regard.

1.) As I said just a couple days ago...I'll stay away from the scale until the end of the month or so. I *think* I want to wean myself of needing to use a scale to stay on top of my weight...

2.) I'm going to keep a private food log at this time. I just feel the need to step away from the public eye at this time with this area, keeping it between me and the Lord.

3.) I also mentioned that I want to sacrifice the last bites of each meal to the Lord once again. I think that needs to become a focus as I notice how difficult that is to do.

4.) I need to be on "watch". How do I watch? I think I need to prepare and plan for trials. I need to take each temptation as an opportunity to experience victory and success with the Lord's power and strength. I too often look at each temptation as "just this one time." I need to remember that God has began a great project and I don't want to stop this great project from being completed!

5.) Most importantly, I want to spend quality time with the Lord, in quietness, prayer, in His word and just moment by moment with Him. I want to fill up on Him and be satisfied by Him alone.

I think, now that my jobs (lunch monitor and piano teaching) have gotten into full swing, that I can take a breath and hopefully find a good rhythm for each day. I'm optimistic that this should be possible!

So, I press on. I watch and pray. I hold on to the truth of God's word, knowing that He has began a good work in me and will bring it to completion. I move forward fixing my eyes on Jesus.


  1. Christina, I just want to say how impressed and challenged I am by your commitment to sacrifice the last bites of your favorite foods to the Lord. I honestly (ashamedly) can't imagine myself doing that, but you have inspired me to pray about it. Thanks for your blog!

  2. Hey it's great hearing from you again, Brandi! How are you doing with TW?

    I have trouble with this whole sacrificing the last bite thing too! That's why I need to return to doing it!!!

    Take care:-)

  3. I'm doing pretty well. I finally feel like I "see" the light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel of freedom, that is!

    The Book, The Diet Alternative" by Diane Hampton has been helpful. Many similar principles to TW, but shorter. :-)

    TW has a lot more "how to's" and I hope to be able to read it soon as it is intended to be read. Every day for 30 days.

    I enjoy your blog!

  4. Brandi,

    Glad to hear that things are going well. And by the way, I don't think you have to worry about rushing through the TW book. Just take your time and spend as many days (or weeks!) as it takes per chapter! No need to rush it! You have your whole lifetime to absorb all this and change from the inside out in God's power!

    (and btw, thanks for your encouraging words regarding this blog. Appreciate it:-)
