Wednesday, November 2, 2011


sugar? I think that must be what I'm going through right now. Once again at lunch I had a reasonable portion of food and felt fairly satisfied. But then I had the cravings hit me full force..... I just wanted sugar in all honesty. I had my eye on some chocolate. I bypassed the sugary treats. However, instead I started grasping at other stuff - some casserole I had just finished preparing for supper, toast with pbutter & honey...... I didn't feel past #5, and my tummy actually felt that really contented feeling. But I know it was far more fuel than my body needed for 5 hours.

So, where do I go from here?

For starters, Lord I am sorry for not seeking Your face again. I want to crave YOU first and foremost. And second, I am committed to waiting for the next wave of hunger. No snacking tonight unless I'm hungry! I'll come back and give account in that regard.


  1. Good for you! I know that is what I need to His face. Why do we continually just try to take care of that craving on our own? It never works really, does it?

  2. Yup. I am like a broken record in this area it seems! But God continues to work. I'm so thankful for His faithfulness. Thanks for stopping by:-)
