Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Family Mission Trip

I've mentioned our upcoming trip to Mexico a couple times here on this blog, so thought it was about time to give a more formal description of our plans...

We felt called to serving in some capacity this summer and God placed a passion and vision for our family to somehow minister to children at an orphanage. In December Jon went online and began researching different christian orphanages in the Yucatan in Mexico.

We both prayed that God would make it clear where we should go and to be able to discern His will. There were a couple options, but Bridge of Love had been the main one that really resonated with both of us...yet we didn't hear from the missionaries and by February had given up hope that this would even work. Two other orphanage ministries elsewhere in Mexico welcomed our help yet we didn't feel completely at peace with either of them.
I remember the day (because I journalled about it!), February 8th, that I let go of all the researching and strategizing and sensed God telling me to not worry about where to go, that He would direct us where He desired us to go. Jon felt the same way that day. We both felt like a weight had been lifted and didn't feel the pressure to have to figure this all out ourselves!

And then, with of course perfect timing, God made it completely evident to us where He wanted us to go! Everything just fit better then we could have even imagined! We received an email from Bridge of Love missionaries that very day expressing interest in our visit...it seemed like a perfect setting for our family to minister in comparison to other places we had researched...plus the accomodation costs were right in line with what we could afford....plus their mission organization purpose statement jumped out to us (In Essentials: Unity; Non-essentials: Freedom; In all things: Charity) and completely resonated with us! We were just blown away how God knew EXACTLY where to send us!
We are very excited about going and know that God will be growing and stretching us through this time!

So here are the details we know at this time:

1.) We are heading to the Yucatan, Mexico (mid-July through mid-August) for a time of service and then heading out for a time of family vacation.

2.) We are planning to spend 12 days visitting/serving at Bridge of Love, a christian orphanage and home for the elderly which is currently under construction and helping the two missionary families with any needs they may have.

3.) Two families are currently heading up this ministry. They currently have seven orphans and three of their own children all living in one home. They are also involved in the lives of the 20 children close to their home, and with 40 to 100 children in the village nearby. They are in the last stages of constructing the dorm and plan to expand this ministry further this year as a result. They are planting gardens, orchards and raising sheep with a vision to be able to provide for the needs of those living at Bridge of Love. They also work with pastors and churches throughout the yucatan planting churches as well as minister at a prison and rehabilitation facility nearby.

4.) We really don't know what to expect with our visit. We are of the understanding that we will be helping care for the children, giving our kids the opportunity to play together with them. We will also be helping with the gardening, the orchard, the sheep, any household needs they may have, possibly teach some english, and possibly help with some construction projects. We are putting together some mini bible story lessons, with songs and crafts that we hope to do with kids nearby. Basically we're going to go with the flow and do what God leads us to do!

Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Matthew 22:37-39

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