Friday, July 18, 2008

The Impact of 0-5 on World Hunger

I was at my parent's place the other day and was reading this...

The following statistics stood out for me:

The one statistic that jumped out at me in particular, was that...

...hunger and poverty claim 25,000 lives every day (doing a bit of math it means that about every 3 seconds a person dies because of hunger or poverty)...
Wow! That is absolutely CRAZY! I'm mortified by this fact!

What does this say about my own choice to eat in EXCESS on a regular basis when others are DYING because they don't even have enough food to survive each day?!
I've sensed God challenging me to consider more practical steps towards better stewardship of all that I have been blessed with. I hope and pray our family can be part of changing that statistic in this upcoming year, no matter how small and insignificant our baby steps may seem.

Okay, first baby step I feel called to... Generally, our family of four spends about $600/month on groceries. Every now and then it dips closer to $550, though that is rare lately...and sometimes it is more then $600. This upcoming year I plan to be a bit more vigilant with my grocery choices and spending. And of course I will be more vigilant with my food consumption as well, since our whole family has been on board lately aiming to eat 0-5. Logically I would think our grocery budget would reflect some savings as we follow 0-5 eating...because we should all be eating LESS, right?!!! We plan to transfer any "savings" from grocery spending directly towards those in need. Our initial goal will be that each month any dollar under that $600 mark will be donated to those in need. So, we'll see how that goes! It should be a good challenge for us all!!!

Wouldn't it be amazing to actually see our obedience to God (with 0-5 eating) benefit those who are less fortunate?!
I'm sure that our trip to Mexico will open our eyes first-hand to the stark contrast between our lifestyle and those who live in poverty and inspire us to make changes. Maybe this is a large part of why God is calling us to take this trip. I hope and pray we come back home completely changed. I pray that we will come to a place of deeper surrender to God and all that He calls us to.


  1. That's great, Christina! What a great idea!

  2. Melanie,

    What an awesome example you are setting for us all! Thanks for sharing that!

    Which organization do you sponsor through? We currently sponsor a child through Compassion Canada. It would be awesome to do so much more though!
