Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Stinky Garbage

I just returned from a few days camping...and all I can say is I am more then ever fully aware how easily I could slip away from this path of God's provision... How sad is that after all He has done?!

Last week I noticed an awful odor coming from our kitchen garbage can, so I emptied the garbage bag thinking that would take care of the odor. Didn't work... So, I sprinkled a good amount of baking soda inside the garbage can and put a bowl of it behind the can. Didn't work... Finally on Monday, as I was cleaning up the house prior to our camping trip, I decided to soak the garbage can in bleach. Then I decided to give the cupboard that houses the garbage can a quick wipe. Lo and behold, I found a piece of ROTTEN watermelon rind sitting at the very back of the cupboard...mouldy and all! Obviously it missed the garbage can and fell behind.

I feel like my life is a bit like that right now. I have experienced many changes, from the inside out (praise the Lord!), but there are still "rotten" things that I am harbouring, the root of my disordered eating is still not fully dealt with.

(My simple rotten watermelon episode quickly brought to mind Heidi's experience and reflection of the brambles here and here.)

I'm wondering how on earth I am going to manage the next month while in Mexico. I'm definitely prone to "tourist" nibbling... (Hard not to with all the awesome authentic Mexican food we'll have around us!) Plus I know that relaxing beach times tend to bring out the munchy urges for me. Plus I imagine I'll be experiencing a fair amount of tiredness with schedule changes, sleeping arrangement changes, heat/humidity changes etc....which leads to more 0-5 eating challenges for me. AAAHH!! Somehow at the root of all this is a continued greed for food and continuing to ignore the Lord's help in time of stinky, rotten watermelon rind.

I continue to cling to God's promises...

“…being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:6

Lord, help me get to the root of my disordered eating... In Jesus name, amen.


  1. Vacation Suggestions ... Several years ago we took our two boys on a one week vacation to an all inclusive resort. All meals were gourmet foods served buffet style ... pretty much my worst fear as an overeater!!! At the end of the week, after NEVER depriving myself, I had actually lost THREE POUNDS! This was before I ever tried TW, and was pretty much doing 'my own nothing' ... here's what helped:
    choosing only the MOST delicious items at the buffet, and not things I could easly enjoy at home. Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated (bottled in Mexico, of course). Focusing on the PEOPLE I was spending time with on vacation, a way to reconnect with those I loved, as well as new friends. Plenty of 'exercise': long lazy swims in the pool, romantic walks on the beach, a 'rollerblading' class!!! And lastly, snacking on yummy, delicious local tropical fruits!!! But most of all, I 'enjoyed' myself and didn't overthink it ... I just wish I could eat like this ALL the time! ENJOY!

  2. Thanks, Lacey!

    You know what, I've had the same experience with vacations. Actually, part of the problem is when I return from vacation I'm so used to eating more food (since I tend to expend more energy on vacations) the pounds begin to come on after the vacation interestingly enough...

    Good tips about choosing the most delicious bits of food, focussing on the people and keeping moving with lots of beach walking:-) Will definitely do all that!
