Saturday, July 19, 2008

Off to Mexico

I think this is the last post for awhile (probably for about 2 weeks) as we head off bright and early on Monday morning.

We're flying out of the U.S. so we have a day of driving first. Then Tuesday is our "BIG" travel day. I'm a little concerned about Tuesday as it is a full day with lots of switches and swaps between shuttle bus to the airport (at 4:00am!!!! *eek*), planes, buses, and taxis....and once we're in Mexico there will be the huge language barrier that will add a few more challenges! Lord, help us please!

Here's my plan of action for 0-5 eating challenges this upcoming month...

1.) Spend time with the Lord.
I aim to spend time daily in God's word, the TW book, the "Breaking Free" study (by Beth Moore), and in prayer. I really hope I find time to have regular and quality time with the Lord. I KNOW this is the key to keeping on track, living in surrender to His will.

2.) Eat 0-5
I aim to of course eat 0-5 as much as possible.

3.) Rely on the Lord for strength.
One of my biggest concerns is the time we're at the orphanage as I believe we'll have a lot less control over the times we eat, even over the food we're served. We are spending 12 days there, and this includes all our meals.

Will snacks be available at any time?
Am I going to be tempted by too much food?
Will I be able to eat the appropriate amounts so that I will be hungry for mealtimes?
Will I feel the need to "please the hostess"?

This is going to be a good challenge which I KNOW I will need to rely on the Lord for help with! One step at a time in the Lord's strength alone.

4.) Eat SLOWLY and savour each bite.
I need to remember that there is no benefit to eating delicious food fast, shovelling as much in as only means excess food in my belly but the taste of it won't be any different then if I eat it slowly and savour each bite. In fact I'll likely enjoy my meal all the more if I savour each and every morsel:-) Plus a bonus is we'll save money as we eat smaller portions when we eat out at restaurants:-)

5.) Savour the environment.
I want to also savour the environment I'm in, taking note of people around me, the smells, the sounds etc. This should heighten my enjoyment at mealtimes and make for lasting memories.

6.) Mealtimes are a time to connect with others.
I want to concentrate on my family at mealtimes, putting my fork (or maybe the taco!) down between bites. I will make sure each meal is not about just simply eating...but also about connecting with my loved ones.

7.) Drink water.
I'll keep hydrated...LOTS OF WATER will be needed this month!!!!

8.) Keep active.
I will enjoy lots of walking and snorkelling which should keep me in good shape this next month.

I am so excited about all that God has in store. I'm looking forward to our family's opportunity to minister to the children at the orphange and surrounding area...actually at this point I think we're all looking forward to that more then our family vacation portion! What an incredible opportunity we are able to take hold of. Thank you Lord!

I will be remembering many of you in prayer over the next few weeks... I'm definitely not forgetting about you as I head off;-) I know that, in perfect timing, God will remind me of much of the wisdom I've gleaned from my fellow TW journey companions, my sisters in Christ!

So for now...hasta luego ("see" you later)!

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