Saturday, September 13, 2008

Counting My Blessings...

My 6-year-old daughter asked Jesus to come into her heart and life tonight!

Her first spiritual milestone was at age 3 when she asked Jesus to forgive her sins. She was very young yet also had that childlike simple faith and truly believed.

Now, three years later, she is more grown up and capable of making much more conscious personal decisions. Tonight God's spirit was definitely moving in her little heart. She said she really felt separated from God. She was remembering sins from long ago that still hung over her head. (Apparently, when she was 5 years old, she had disobeyed me in regards to taking another cookie and she still remembered the conversation she had with Jon as he found out... I can't remember this episode...but her tender heart certainly did!)

Anyways, she was begging me to read through this little tract from VBS so we read through it and she really connected with it and I could tell that God was at work. She definitely wanted to pray. She didn't want sin to separate her from God. She wanted to ask God to forgive all her sins. She very definitely wanted to follow Jesus and wanted Him to come into her heart and life. It was so beautiful to pray with her. She said with such enthusiasm, "I just want to HUG God right now! How can I do that mom?" How very special! (so we blew some kisses to God and gave some hugs and told Him we loved Him!) She was just glowing and clearly felt different, and actually said she felt different:-) Praise God! My heart is rejoicing...and I know there is a party up in Heaven tonight:-)


  1. OH HOW VERY PRECIOUS!!! I love the hugs and kisses blown up to the throne of God! What a special moment!

  2. Oh Christina, I am rejoicing with you and her and all of heaven. I can't wait for the day my boys make that decision as well. What a blessing to be the one to help your child and lead them through that. Praise God!
