Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This week I am finishing up the Beth Moore "Living Beyond Yourself: Exploring the Fruit of the Spirit" bible study. The study ends with a study on self-control. So I thought it would be worthwhile to throw a few quotes out there that have stood out to me this week. All quotes are taken from the LBY study workbook. I hope they inspire you as much as they have me!


Love keeps us afloat, and self-control keeps us anchored. Love lends us liberality, and self-control provides the boundaries within which love can be unleashed. (g 200)
Self-control is an issue of mastery, of authority, of boundaries. (pg 201)

Without self-control, we are like a city with broken-down walls! (referring to Prov. 25:28) To understand the significance of such a terrible dilemma we must remember a crucial characteristic of ancient architecture: a city was only as secure as the walls which surrounded it. A city's walls were its fortification. Archeologists estimate that three chariots could ride side by side on the wall of Nineveh. The walls of Babylon were so wide that six chariots could ride abreast on them! Their walls lent the reputation that they were practically impenetrable. (pg 202)

We are the temple of God...and self-control is our wall of protection. (pg 202)

Self-control is the decision to remain within the boundaries of victory! (pg 202)

I don't believe starvation forms of dieting are to the glory of God. I don't believe that crash dieting leads to much more than binging. The point is neither size nor shape. The point is freedom: a freedom that results from eating that which is beneficial to the body with not only the intent of losing weight, but also with the intent of glorifying God. This same resulting freedom leaves the results of our obedience up to Him. We'll be free. He'll be glorified, and we might just lose a pound or two in the process. (pg 215)

A victorious life is the sum of many victorious days. (pg 217)
Psalm 63 opens in the earliest moment of the day, reminding us that a victorious day begins with a victorious morning. You may be saying "But, I'm just not a morning person." I understand. But the problem is: God is a morning Person! (pg 217) love that quote! :-)

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