His choice to love us. God's boundless, unconditional love. He treasures us. His profound love. He waits for us. His precious children. Allow the love of God to fall afresh on you. TW day5These are all statements that jumped out of the pages at me for this reading. God loves me and you....REALLY loves us. His lavish love is being pressed closer to the heart in this chapter.
I find the timing of reading this chapter quite interesting because just a few days ago I had a conversation with a close friend on this very topic...weight related issues, the sin of gluttony and the "fearfully and wonderfully made" scripture truth. Our conversation forced me to press a little closer to the heart of this matter and dig a little deeper.
So, here was the big question we discussed.
Can you be overweight, clearly struggling with the sin of gluttony, and be able to cling to the the truth "fearfully and wonderfully made"?My immediate instinct was "OF COURSE!" My friend questioned my response as she felt the sin issue was then being ignored. It was good to be pushed a little deeper. She had authentic concerns which I appreciated discussing in depth. And my answer continues to be a resounding, "Of course!"
And the dots began to connect, all coming together and beginning to make more sense, with the reading of this chapter...
Wow! Isn't that an amazing statement, particularily to us as believers?! I have always heard the cliche, "It's what is inside that counts" or "Beauty comes from the inside." And I have always held to that and believed that...and still do. The above verse and statement drove that all home to an even deeper level for us as believers because God dwells INSIDE US!But we have this treasure [the presence of God] in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:7
"The beauty and value of the vessel is found in what it contains." TW pg48
Moving onto externals... The "mirror mirror exercise" highlighted and beautifully unfolded the intricate detail of our body and the function, blessings and beauty of each part. Though it may be difficult to look ourselves in the mirror....REALLY look at ourselves....it was a beautiful reminder of the fact that our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made and certainly have had a clear function in day to day living and loving. Yes, for some of us the sin of gluttony may be showing its wear and tear on our body (and just for the record, I've been many different sizes and shapes at 5'6" - 115lbs, 150 lbs, 160lbs, 175lbs, 205lbs, so I can personally attest to wear and tear I've experienced in my own skin)...but that doesn't discount the fact that we are still fearfully and wonderfully made.
I was reminded again that we cannot hate ourselves into change. If I cannot even look at my body, and feel a sense of contempt for my body, I am missing out on seeing the beauty and fingerprints in God's creation...me. So often we just focus on external criteria for beauty - slim hips, shapely legs, small butt, pert nose, full lips, flat stomach, no stretch marks etc. etc. etc. How many of us actually fill that criteria?! Seriously! (I know I never have!!!) This brings to mind this classic Dove commercial...
The point is that not even the "models" of beauty fill every criteria that our society has for external beauty. I think it is awesome to go deeper and push past all those external marks of beauty and find the beauty that we each have as unique individuals, both externally and internally. We're not barbie clones!!!! God has made each of us beautiful in our own unique way! We all come in different shapes and sizes, with different limitations and gifts, with different kinds of beauty.
"Fingerprints of God" by Steven Curtis Chapman
But the most beautiful thing of all is a heart that is surrendered to God and is reflecting the contents [God's presence] of their vessel, their jar of clay! I seriously believe that! When I see a person who LOVES God it shines through and radiates and it's impossible not to see the beauty that comes from a woman who fears the Lord. As I think about many friends I have here on the internet I don't even know what they look like externally! What a privilege though to be able to see people's hearts!!!! And how BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL so many of you are!!!! I can hardly contain my excitement when I see this beauty. It's reflecting. It's shining through.
That's how I think God looks at each of us. This is the kind of beauty the Lord loves and treasures! Christ in us. A beautiful, contrite, God-focused spirit. As we keep our focus on God, as we are doing with TW here, the external appearance of our bodies will naturally adjust to where God intends for us to settle. I truly believe that.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30So, after this very long winded post, I continue sticking to my resounding "Of course" we are fearfully and wonderfully made, no matter what size or shape we come in. And in my books I have to say my standard definition for beauty is not based on the externals but really and truly on the heart of each person. I could go through a list of internal beauty marks which radiate - kindess, humility, goodness, gentleness, patience, love, generosity, curiousity, faithfulness etc. etc...but really the most shining characteristic of the most beautiful people is a heart surrendered to the Lord. What beauty is reflected! Because JESUS IS RELFECTED!
As I dwell on this definition for beauty I can't help but feel free to be loved by God into all that He intends to me...rather than condemned and hating myself into changing (which we know doesn't really work very well at all!).
That was a gorgeous piece of writing. Thank you so much for the much needed reminders!
ReplyDeleteI'm breathing a sigh of relief at your comment. I have read and re-read this post too many times, second guessing how things I said would be received. And feeling like there is still so much I have left to say on this topic that wasn't even said! (imagine that!) I have so many thoughts inside me on this topic that it all seemed to pour out and became a bit of a ramble I'm afraid!
ReplyDeleteLord, thank you for Laura. Thank you for her incredible beauty, that I can see plainly even from this distance! Thank you for making her just the way she is, unique and beautiful externally and internally. I praise You for the testimony she bears as You shine so clearly through her. I pray she would experience your love in a powerful way, wrapped in your arms of love, rejoiced over with singing... I pray she would begin to see your fingerprints all over her body and her life. In Jesus name, amen.