Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday check-in

Checking in for my personal challenge this week:

#1. No eating in front of the TV unless it is a meal.
I didn't eat while watching TV.

#2. 11pm bedtime.
I went to bed at 10:45pm.

#3. Exercise 5x this week.
I exercised day 2 of this week - jumped rope for 20 minutes.

#4. No desserts this week.
I kinda followed through with the dessert thing...though I make it a question mark because I did have a small scone after pizza at suppertime. I think of scones as more of a biscuit as it isn't very rich or that's why I say I "kinda followed through." Anyways, better then I would usually do.


  1. You're doing great! Wish I could say the same!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Lord, I pray that you would help Senkyoshi stay within the boundaries of victory. I pray that you would make your presence, grace and love very real to her. I pray that your holy spirit would empower her today to make choices that are pleasing to you. I pray that you would also help me to walk in step with your spirit and make choices that are pleasing to you. Help us be living sacrifices, transformed by the renewing of our minds by your truth. Amen.
