Monday, May 5, 2008

Thin Again - ch 2 reflections

I just finished reading chapter 2. It took a few days to read. I've still not completely absorbed it. Definitely a deeper, more introspective read then Thin Within. I can see how people could find it painful and difficult to read this book as the authors really are drawing the reader's attention to wounds in their life and very effectively seem to also walk the reader through the process of healing and right relationship with God and others. Since I've not experienced the kind of trauma in my life that requires this degree of introspection I find of a lot of the points/observations not quite as applicable to my own life situation at this time. However, there is still MUCH to be learned and that I am learning as I turn the pages of this book.

A few quotes that stood out for me:

"Eugene Peterson comments, 'Any formula that prevents failure also prevents freedom.'" (TA pg. 34)

"Peterson continues, 'He who has never failed somewhere, that man cannot be great. Failure is the true test of greatness.' Our greatness lies in our faith in God. He is always there to pick us up, and he continues walking with us until we have our ultimate freedom, when the underlying causes of our disordered eating have been resolved." (TA pg. 35)

I was absolutely blown away by the story of Lazarus and the lessons learned from that story. I had actually studied this story from John 11 just last month while reading "Calm my Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow. It was talking about how Jesus could have spared Lazarus from dying had he gone right aways when he received word of Lazarus' sickness... Then Lazarus dies and when Jesus receives word of this He says, "...and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him." (John 11:15) Then He brings Lazarus miraculously back to life and Jesus says, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" (John 11:40) As I reflected on this story it struck me how God allows things into our lives so that people will be drawn to believe Him and seek Him...and ultimately God is glorified.

Thin Again chapter 2 drives home another very thought-provoking point from this story that I never noticed before...

"Scripture tells us simply, 'The dead man came out' (v. 44a). Lazarus emerged from the dark tomb after lying dead for four days. He says nothing and does nothing. His face is covered, his hands and feet are bound. He can't see, he can't touch anyone, he can't move very well. 'Take off the grave clothes and let him go,' Jesus tells them (v. 44b). He doesn't address Lazarus. He doesn't tell Lazarus to take off his own grave clothes. He tells the friends and relatives and those who had been in mourning to take off the grave clothes. They are to restore Lazarus to his place in the community, to sight, touch, and wholeness." (TA pg. 37)

"He (God) helps us to heal through restored intimacy by calling us into relationships where we must first rely on him and then on others to help unwrap the grave clothes. Thus our healing process becomes a marriage of the divine and the human. Divine power raised Lazarus and raises us from the dead, and human power unwrapped him and unwraps us. The spiritual and physical reality combine to bring a complete healing." (TA pg.38)

What powerful lessons are contained in that story of Lazarus! I'm going to have to chew on these thoughts for a few more days....

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