Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thin Again - ch 3 Questions

Chapter 3 – Grace not Legalism

What is God’s grace?
God’s grace is a “dynamic outpouring (that) was made in flesh in Jesus Christ. Christ became the new offering—the means of attonement and reconciliation—for our sin and guilt... God, in his grace, not only offers forgiveness, but gives us the power (through the faith in the indwelling Christ) to become sons and daughters—bearers of his character and will... It is this love, this outpouring of God’s grace, that works the transformation of our innermost being so that we delight in pleasing him—indeed, live to please him. When we love Christ and our desire is to please him in everything, we are released from clinging to rules, regulations, and performance.” TA pg 54

“Grace is the active expression of God’s love. Grace empowers us to choose rightly in what seem to be the most choiceless of situations, but it does not, and will not determine that choice.” TA pg 51

How does God’s grace work in our lives?
“Grace is freedom that conforms us from within; legalism is bondage that constrains us from without.” TA pg 52

“Grace redirects our focus away from perfection to correction.” TA pg 57

I find God’s grace so amazing! The fact that God keeps forgiving over and over again is just astounding! I appreciate applying observations and corrections in my TW journey, living under God’s grace rather then the path of my own performance. This is the reason I can continue persevering and not giving up. I know that “he who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:6

What is legalism and how does it affect our lives?
Legalism is all about rules and regulations. When following them a person can feel quite “righteous” and focus is on self. When failing to follow the rules and regulations we feel like complete failures and tend to beat ourselves up with the ‘club of condemnation’.

Legalism can be defined as a “self-defined system of control, safety, and security…. By focussing on externals---our diets, our weight, our eating or not eating—we avoid confronting the real issues in our lives: our fears, our unresolved grief, emotions, relationships, rebellion, and insecurities…. We fail to acknowledge that it is in our being (the intentions of our own hearts), not in our doing (our eating) that our true guilt lies.” TA pg 56

I often get caught up in legalistic thinking as I set myself goals with eating/exercise. I inevitably fail at some point, beat myself up about it, and then feel doomed to never succeed and have victory in this area of my life. I know that Satan is on the attack as it says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 I know God does not desire me to be in this cycle. He offers me His grace and His strength and power to experience surrender and victory in this area. Jesus says "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor. 12:9

List the Thin Within principles for weight mastery.
1. Eat when your body is hungry (‘0’).
2. Eat in a calm environment by reducing distractions.
3. Eat when sitting.
4. Eat when your body and mind are relaxed.
5. Eat and drink the things your body enjoys.
6. Pay attention to your food while eating.
7. Eat slowly, savouring each bite.
8. Stop before your body is full (‘5’).

“These principles apply to all the food you eat and all the beverages you drink, except water. Coffee, tea, alcohol, and diet sodas are included, because everything, except water, affects your body’s ability to register accurately its physiological hunger.” TA pg 61

I assume they would also classify an herbal tea (no sugar/cream) as similar?? I’m surprised at that. Not sure if I agree….

What is the Bodometer Process?
“It is a tool for turning our attention inward and listening to the signals our bodies are giving us in order to determine whether food (or something else) is needed.” TA pg 63

Basically it is paying attention to each different part of my body—mouth/teeth, throat, stomach and abdomen.

What is the hunger scale and how can it serve you?
0 = hungry/empty
5= comfortable or satisfied

The aim should be to eat within 0-5. Eating 3-7 results in overeating and not losing weight.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your feedback, Melanie. I think an herbal tea shouldn't interfere with hunger either... Whatever effect it has is very very minimal.
