Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thin Within~Day 27

This chapter really struck a chord with me. God knew I needed to read it today! The chapter mainly deals with our time management and directing us to surrender our schedules to the Lord.
When we are weary, we are vulnerable--vulnerable to flesh-filled eating, vulnerable to focusing on performance instead of God's provision, and vulnerable to turning to temporary gratification rather than to the true life-sustaining satisfaction found only in Him. TW pg287

God wants to give us rest...
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

I have found myself feeling quite busy this fall...and not all that rested! Maybe it is because I have started working outside the home this year (it's amazing how even 1 1/2 hours each day have stretched me!). Maybe it's because I have increased my # of piano students. Maybe it is because the kids need more hands-on help with school related homework, piano practice, play practice etc. Or maybe it is because I'm simply not making wise use of my time. Or maybe it's just because it is the nature of fall season!

I'm not sure what all the reasons are. But I *DO* know that I feel busy. In response to the reasons for busy-ness listed in TW pg 289-290...

#1. We invest ourselves in things that are not part of God's plan.
I have tried really hard to surrender my schedule and choices to Him. I pray about who He wants me to invest my time into. I pray about what things I get involved in. I should continue seeking Him in this area.

#2. We invest ourselves in godly activities beyond God's plan.
I'm not sure if I'm over-involved in church related activities. I've tried to seek Him in this as well this fall. I've actually "pruned" a lot of things out. I truly want to experience His leading for what I'm involved in. After this christmas play is done (on December 7th) my schedule will certainly free up a lot.

#3. We rely on our own strength rather than God's in doing what He's called us to do.
I may be prone to trying to do it in my own strength. Actually that is likely the case. Too often God gets put on the shelf and I just do things my own way in my own strength, rather then seeking God and asking for His help.

So, what am I taking from this chapter, as I am smack dab in the middle of one of the busiest times of the year???

I need to make sure I take time to be still before the Lord, first and foremost. I need to make sure all my involvements don't lead to me neglecting God's word and time in prayer, being still before Him.

I want to continue praying about each and every thing in my schedule, making each moment count. If I feel each thing on my schedule is within God's will then I will experience greater purpose and passion...and also fulfill His will and do each and every thing.

I desire to do all things in His strength, not in my own feeble strength.

I often pray before heading to school for lunch supervision or before I teach piano--that God would help me, that He would allow me to be a blessing to the students etc. It sure makes a difference when I invite Him into each of these moments. Right now I'm just sitting here thinking how cool it would be if I would actually sought His help in the midst of the never-ending problem solving issues I have to deal with on the playground. I think it would be really awesome if my first instinct would be to silently pray as I tackle each problem.

I know I need His strength and help with the root of greed and gluttony in my heart. I appreciated Susan sharing about her posture before the Lord each morning as she prayed. I plan to apply this as I remember that God is God and that He is Sovereign and Almighty.

I have to confess that the past number of days I still haven't been all that on track with eating 0-5. I think that the #1 reason is that I just got to feeling too busy. That's why I found the timing of this chapter so interesting.

Here's a neat quote from the Breaking Free study (by Beth Moore) that I'm currently working through...
Life vastly simplifies and satisfaction greatly amplifies when we begin to realize our awesome roles. God is God. Frankly, it's all about Him. Thank goodness, He is the center of the universe. So, how can we live with such a God-centered mentality? Freely! Because with God, it's all about us. We seek to please Him. He seeks to perfect us--and life works. Not without pain, but with purpose. Breaking Free workbook by Beth Moore pg 149
Heavenly Father, I invite You into EVERY part of my heart and life. I pray that all that I think, say and do would be pleasing to You. I want every part of me to be focussed on You, to be God-centered and glorifying to You. I long to experience the rest that You offer so freely as I submit to You. Thank, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my weakest areas. I am such a people pleaser, that I've had to teach myself to say "no". I am not in the habit of asking God to show up or "invite him" to be a part of everything I do. Your post today convicted me that I need to make Him a part of every moment of each day. I guess we need to "Fall" into His arm this time of year and rest in His grace.

    Love in Christ,
