Thursday, January 15, 2009

Counting My Blessings...

Fantastic first bible study.
Today was the first day of a Beth Moore bible study that I'm facilitating. We're doing the fruits of the spirit study called "Living Beyond Yourself." I'm thankful for each of the dear ladies who is going to part of this group. I know God has certainly divinely directed this whole process and each of the ladies who will be attending. I praise Him for an awesome time of sharing and sharpening today:-)

Flowers from my husband.
I really should have taken a picture of them when they were fresh. I don't get flowers very often from him, so it was a real treat when he (out of the blue) brought home flowers last Friday!

Strength and courage for my eldest daughter.
She had a vaccination at school this past Tuesday and was very brave. I was very proud to hear she not only was courageous in the face of a real fear of hers (particularily considering her traumatic experience with kawasaki disease at 3 yrs old and all the needles she faced her week in ICU)...but she was also apparently being a strength and encouragement to her classmates, consoling them and helping them with their fears! Wow, praise God!!!

My husband's spiritual growth.
Wow, what a difference lately! He's been ON FIRE! And we've been sitting around for hours and hours talking about God and spiritual matters! How awesome is that!!!

Friends who help out.
I'm thankful for friends who help out when there is a need! With our van not starting this week in the midst of the Canadian prairie deep freeze (-50 celcius/-58 farenenheit) I was VERY thankful for a friend who picked up and dropped off my kids to and from school the past two days. What a blessing:-)

School kids.
I'm just really thankful for each of the kids in my lunch supervision classes. They are so cute and a blessing to me. I pray that I would be a blessing to them.

Kindred spirits.
We have some friends who are truly like our kindred spirits. We just seem to understand each other and how we're wired. What a blessing they are. We constantly support, encourage and sharpen each other. They are a gift from God.

God's Word.
Wow, I can't begin to say enough how much I am NEEDING it and soaking it up. It is amazing! It has become my sword. It has become my food. I'm so thankful that God has revealed truth to us through His Word.


  1. Praise God for such wonderful blessings!!! How sweet of your Husband to bring you flowers. It's such an incredible blessing to have a Husband with of like faith. Amem!!

    Love ya!

  2. I certainly do feel blessed:-)

    love and prayers,
    Christina :-)
