Monday, January 26, 2009

Reflections (Jan. 26)

I think I'm going to put my food & exercise blog on hold once again for least for a time.

However one thing I thought I'd like to track here at "Rainbow Promises" in regards to my eating are observations/corrections noted, verses that speak to specific circumstances, struggles, victory steps, answered prayers, intentionally pre-planning for trials etc. These posts will be called "Reflections."

I have to say things feel quite out of whack and out of routine with regards to my eating lately. I know these times come and go and I just have to roll with it:-)

Here's a quick recap of the weekend...

Friday (as previously posted on my food/exercise blog):

A step in the right direction...
I was REALLY craving a hot chocolate or coffee drink mid afternoon, though I wasn't hungry... But I walked away while my water was heating up, prayed and kept asking myself if I was setting myself up for victory at this moment... And praise God, I made it through the test, and chose an herbal tea instead! Thanks Lord for showing me the way out! Amen.

O&C: At supper I thought I'd hit a comfortable #5....but then we went swimming right after supper and I have to admit my stomach was feeling a little heavy! I guess that was a signal that I need to slow down to make sure my body signals when I'm done, when hunger has been satisfied.

A step in the right direction...
I had been feeling a craving for ice cream after the pizza supper and mentioned it to my husband. But then I decided to just opt for some jolly rancher candies instead for dessert. Jon asked, on our way back from swimming, if I still had my craving (because he would go get ice cream any chance he got!)...and in all honesty I didn't feel ANY craving for ice cream or any food for that matter right now. That is huge for me! Usually, after something like this outing, I feel like something soothing. So, praise God for that!!!

Sunday (as posted on my food/exercise blog):

Observation: I went a little overboard once again with dessert at lunch. It pushed me over that comfy #5 unfortunately as I munched on more of it after my parents left our place after lunch.

#1 Once again I need to re-evaluate how i handle desserts when I have company. I always desire to sit back and relax and fully enjoy the dessert once company leaves... I think the best way to not add a link in a chain towards a fall would be to REALLY eat a small amount and savour savour savour when company is present. Then take a moderate amount after company leaves and FULLY SAVOUR and apply all the conscious eating tips. If I followed that plan of action I'd feel like it was a victory. This would be as Jesus said to do in the face of temptation...WATCHING.

#2 Also, did I prepare for victory by praying and praising? I don't feel I was very intentional in this area. I was certainly enjoying the company of my parents. I was certainly hungry for lunch. And I certainly ate wholesome, whole body pleasers. But I wasn't quite prepared for temptation, ready to break any links of the chain that would lead to a fall. I DID let Satan have a foothold unfortunately, by not setting myself up for victory by intentionally by throwing myself at the Lord's feet in regards to my eating today. This would be doing as Jesus said to do in the face of temptation...PRAYING.

Later in the evening I experienced a step in the right direction...
I wasn't hungry, so instead of really digging into the food and going all out...I had a small amount. Not only that, but Jon brought down a small bowl of ice cream for me (the last of the carton which was bought on Saturday by the way)...and I actually said "no" which is truly a miracle in itself! That's a God thing! This was a victory step for me. Thanks, Lord!

And that brings me to...

Monday (today):
I'm struggling with waiting for hunger tonight. I had a big lunch and probably a bit too much sweets. I've resolved I'm going to go and spend some time in the Bible after posting this and find satisfaction there.
Lord, I choose to sit at your feet now and experience YOU and the way YOU want to meet the desires of my heart. Thank you, Lord! Amen.

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