Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend Winter Fun!

Today it was around -10 degrees C (with windchill) which converts to about 14 degrees F. After the past week of consistent -45 degree celcius (-49 F) weather (and colder), it was such a relief to finally have some warmer winter weather this weekend!

We took advantage of escaping the "deep freeze" temps by going to a park nearby. We enjoyed a hike and then happened upon a few "hills" that we could slide down:-) Then we made supper over a bonfire~bannock, chips, s'mores and hot chocolate. (Do chips count as a veggie??? :-)

I thought I'd share a few pictures of our fun. Hope you enjoy:-)

Whee! Those "crazy carpets" were fun! I wish I'd taken a picture of Jon as well!

We made some pretty cool snow angels as the snow was so deep and clean.

Jon made a great warm fire for us:-)

Then we made some bannock. See this link for the recipe.

I like my bannock smothered in butter and cinnamon sugar! Yum!

We finished off with some "dessert" (like we needed some after bannock with cinnamon sugar??!) of s'mores. Bannock was my eldest daughter's request and s'mores was my youngest daughter's request. While I'm on the food topic... Chips was my husband's wish. And hot chocolate was mine:-) We're a very democratic family, aren't we?! :-)

All in all it was a fun family outing. We all were a little chilled by the end, but couldn't have gotten better winter weather for an outing like this!

Well, that's a sneak peak at our weekend winter fun!


  1. Oh my goodness gracious. What an awesome time it looked like!! that angel IS gorgeous. WOW...That is wild Christina,,it REALLY is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. You have truly built some wonderful memories for your family that will last a life time!! I LOVE outdoor fires like that...the smell is what I adore the most!!

  2. What a great family! I've got to tell you, 14 degrees doesn't equate to warm winter weather in my book! I think it's the coolest thing in the world that all of you went out and enjoyed the snow. I don't step foot in an outdoor park until it hits at least 60! Maybe I'll take a cue from you and go make some snow angels in the back yard tomorrow! I love that you shared this!

    ~ Kelly
