Saturday, January 31, 2009

How the day went...

Yesterday went okay... I actually ended up being quite stressed for a large part of the day because my older daughter was really testing me! Grrr.... Oh well, it was still a good day. It's just hard to see her growing up and not my "little" girl anymore:-( And I really have to learn to display the fruits of the spirit to her~love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

So in regards to eating, here's how it went.

Breakfast: As I said, I was hungry (though not rumbly) for breakfast and had a moderate amount of food, staying within 0-5.

Lunch: I was actually rumbly hungry, which was a surprise for me:-) I wish, in hindsight, that I'd eaten a little lighter of a lunch. I ended up eating just one small piece of bread, a cheese string and some veggie/fruit juice...staying within 0-5 once again. Doesn't seem like a lot, but that seemed to tide me over right until supper.

Supper: I didn't have rumbly hunger, but was beginning to feel hunger. I thoroughly enjoyed the meal at my parent's place and enjoyed the conversation and visit. My mom always spoils me on my birthday! She's pretty special:-) I took a very small sliver of cake (which stunned my mom!) as I wanted to have some room for treats later.

Then Jon and I went to DQ and I had a blizzard which I thoroughly enjoyed and then we went and rented a movie (Becoming Jane) and snuggled, with some popcorn in hand, to watch the movie. (We were originally going to go to the movie theater but then the timing was just we opted for a movie at home.)

I was pushing it with regards to 0-5 in many ways, because my evening eating was over such an extended time. I would say I ate to about a #6, just a bit past hunger being satisfied.

So, that's how things went at this end:-) Now I'm officially another year older! I'm very thankful for the past year and all the ways the Lord has grown me. And I truly look forward to what He has in store for the upcoming year! For...

"He who began a good work in you (me) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:6

I'm still HIS work in progress! I'm thankful for His faithfulness, patience and mercy despite all my setbacks and failings!

Thanks, Lord!


  1. Happy Birthday precious, beautiful, child of the Most High!!! Sounds like you had a blessed time. How was the movie?

  2. Movie was so-so :-) Somehow I was having trouble finding a movie that "clicked" yesteday! Nothing really looked all that appealing! Maybe evertying looked too predictable?? I don't know. Anyways, it was a worthwhile and enjoyable watch. But not something I'd rave about and recommend to friends necessarily:-)
