Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is the Day!

(Jon took this sunrise picture last summer, our last morning in Mexico)

This morning started off so beautifully...for a change. My blood pressure wasn't rising. My youngest daughter was happily getting dressed (which is HUGE for her!), ate her breakfast and got her morning routine completed HAPPILY! We had lots and lots of snuggles and laughs together. And she was ready BEFORE her big sister (a miracle I tell you!) and was singing every step of the way!


Walking step by step through my morning so far...

This morning the Lord woke me up at 5am. I couldn't fall back to sleep and finally at 5:30am I decided it was indeed the Lord waking me and I silently tiptoed off to the livingroom and cracked open my bible. I had a wonderful time of reading and prayer and also managed to memorize another verse (one of my goals). What a great start to the day, feasting at the Lord's Table!

Next I had an early breakfast as I was feeling hungry, though my tummy didn't give me the normal and usual rumble. I figured I'd fuel up for the day at this point. Then I snuggled with our guinea pigs for a bit. (btw we found new homes for the two baby guinea pigs...praise God! Seriously, that was a prayer of mine lately as it was looking like it was going to be tough to find new homes for them.)

Then I got out my jump rope and got to exercise while watching "The Mom Show," a Canadian talk show whose title is self-explanatory.

Then I got those little guinea pigs and brought them into my youngest daughter's room so they could wake her up with a "good morning" snuggle. This set her off into a great mood right off the bat! Praise God!

After that I started singing a few songs, one of them being "This is the day." Well that really was a hit. I don't think she's ever heard that song before! It was one of the classics I grew up on. And then we moved into all the usual morning chores and routines. And finally, in the last five minutes before they needed to get ready, we snuggled together.

The best part of it all was when it was time to head out the door. I challenged her to get dressed in her snow gear in the time it took me to sing "This is the day!" Well, that got her going! She was ready SO HAPPILY in no time at all! And then she proceeded to start singing it over and over again as my oldest daughter got dressed:-)

Wow, praise God for a new day! Praise God for THIS day! He is good!

This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100:4-5

He Has Made Me Glad

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