Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Lord's Table~final review

Well, I have reached the conclussion of TLT workbook study. What an awesome study! (As noted before: I did not follow the eating schedule, but rather simply ate 0-5 within hunger/fullness boundaries.)

In regards to weight release...I started TLT back on November 23rd 2008 at 153 lbs....and I have ended TLT today, on January 21st and am 153 lbs, within my BMI range (on my scale at least:-)! I'm okay with that! I'm obviously in a bit of a maintenance mode phase right now and that is a good thing. That is a whole new lesson in and of itself for me!

I can hardly begin to express all that I have learned! As I look back it is such an incredible journey I've been on:-)

Here are the TOP TEN thing I've learned...

1.) My motivation for losing weight needs to be for the glory of God alone.

2.) As I open wide my mouth, that I'm actually opening my ears and listening to His Word. As I pray and read the bible and listen to the Lord He fills me up! Him fillings me up truly meets the desires of my heart! Jesus and His words are the Living Water. I want to drink of the pure, refreshing source rather then a mucky mud puddle!

3.) Broken, helpless and contrite before the Lord is a good place to be, because I will depend on God so much more, and He will lift me up out of the muck and the mire and set my feet on solid ground! I can in no way claim glory for myself when I am depending on Him!

4.) Over the past two months, I have been "putting on" reading God's word, spending time with Him, praising Him, getting back to the basics of 0-5 eating. I'm still working on the "putting off" area!

5.) I've been reminded of the importance of the concept of confession and repentance and have come to truly appreciate the Thin Within concept of observation and correction. I want to do much much more of that!

6.) Just as the Israelites were ready for flight when they were leaving do I! I need to remember to fill up on God's word and spend time in prayer and praise prior to battle! And for me there are countless battles...some so small and some large! Battles all the same! I need to remember prayer and praise precede victory!

7.) I was reminded of the value of being intentional and pre-planning for trials. I must watch and pray as Jesus commanded. There are many links in the chain that leads to sin. Another way of putting it is there are many rungs to the ladder...I must not let Satan get even one foothold! I need to watch out for those steps, those links in the chain and break them as I drag every known sin into the Light!

8.) This study also reminded me how I must make my body a slave to Christ--my thoughts, my eating, my exercise, my words, my actions....

9.) Another key truth that has been hitting me over these months as I did this study are lining up my thoughts with God's word. Combatting a known beilef/lie/trigger with what God says. Then present it to God so the thoughts are in submission to God and His word. I must meditate on His word, fill up on good and excellent things and do His will.

10.) It is so important to stick close to Jesus, sitting at His feet and abiding in Him, fixing my eyes on Him alone. When I focus on Jesus I am sitting at His feet, abiding in Him, listening to him, humbly receiving His words, not pridefully harboring sin, but rather humble. When I fix my eyes on Jesus I'm focussing on seeking first His kingdom not on sin and my selfish wants and desires and fleshly lusts. When I fix my eyes on Jesus lies are automatically lined up with the His truth! He forgives. He loves. He frees. He teaches. He equips. He gives us His promises. He makes me into a new creation.

In conclussion the changes that have taken place in my heart and life are that I'm hungry for God's Word---REALLY hungry! That is a huge answer to prayer and I pray this continues! I can see how important it is to sit at Jesus' feet and fix my eyes on Him and fill up on Him and His Word. What a joy this has been! All praise and glory to God for the good work He has been doing in my life...


  1. Praise God for all these teachable moments, for wisdom, discernment, and learning...Congrats girl!

  2. Praise God that He brought you through the entire Lord's Table. I've learned that I must keep my eyes on Him and not the food. No diet or plan can save me, only He can. I have to daily choose to serve Him, not food.
