Wednesday, January 14, 2009


There's not too much reason I'm writing right now except to vent :-)

Let me start off by saying that it is a crazy -50 celcius (-58 farenheit) with windchill taken into account this morning! This is one of those crazy cold canadian days that we get the reputation for!

We woke up an hour earlier then usual by Jon's work phoning to say school was out (but he still had to come in~he's a high school teacher by the way). Next, I offered to do a carpool swap with my friend to get our kids to and from school. I offered to drive the kids all to school this morning. But I went out to start the van and it wouldn't start. I guess it didn't help that it was sitting in the cold, not going anywhere, for the past two days. So I had to call back and ask my friend if she would mind doing the driving at the last minute, which she graciously did. And now I discover that Jon must have taken my set of keys to school, so there is no chance I can get that grocery shopping in that I had planned...if the van would start a little later which was my aim to try!

So, I'm stuck indoors I guess... Not so bad. Ironically I was up at 7am this morning getting supper in the slowcooker so I wouldn't have to fuss with that (as I had a number of errands and jobs I was planning on getting done today). So, supper is already on the go. I may get to baking some bread later. I have been thinking about getting back to making my own homemade bread instead of using storebought bread. I have a bunch of recipes I want to try out. I'll prep a little for teaching piano lessons this evening. And I'll get some prep also done for the ladies bible study that I'm facilitating and that is starting up tomorrow.

Of course I do need to venture outdoors for lunch supervision I'm not indoors for the entire day:-)

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
I'm extremely thankful for a warm house on days like this. We are very very blessed to have a warm house, warm clothing and transportation. I'm thankful for Jon's job which provides us with a good income. I'm thankful for friends who I can call up for favors like carpooling the kids! I'm thankful for the time to sit at my Lord's feet today. Hmmm....I'm beginning to wonder if I need to connect the dots here! Today would be a perfect day to sit at Jesus' feet:-)

Thanks Lord for all of these blessings! I'm thankful for this day, no matter how my plans have all gone upside down! I will be glad for this day and all that YOU have planned for it. I pray that I will glorify You in all I say and do and think! Amen.

Well, that's it for my "venting"/"sharing"! And one last thing, while I'm on the theme of "sharing"'s a cute picture I ran across and brought a smile to my face:-)

1 comment:

  1. (((hugs))) It feels good to vent, doesn't it? Thanks for letting us help you carry your cross.

    Love ya!
