Sunday, January 4, 2009

Learning Past Lessons

Over the past few days I have felt nudged to apply some of the past lessons learned.

1. "Thin Within" Keys to Conscious Eating.

The keys to conscious eating are a wonderful tool. I want to apply them more consistently once again. I am thankful for the provisions of the Lord. He certainly is a giver of good gifts (James 1:17; Matthew 7:11)

Here is a recap of the keys to conscious eating:

Keys to Conscious Eating
1. Eat when my body is hungry ("0").
2. Eat in a calm environment by reducing distractions.
3. Eat when sitting.
4. Eat when my body and mind are relaxed.
5. Eat and drink the things my body enjoys.
6. Pay attention to my food while eating.
7. Eat slowly, savoring each bite.
8. Stop before my body is full ("5").

I think each and every one of those points need some work.

2. Observe and Correct

The tool of observation and correction is particularily heavy on my mind and heart. I have moved far away from this intentional approach towards eating. Here's a quote I appreciated in my TW readings today...

Enjoy the privilege today of applying God's grace in the present moment. You don't need to wallow in any meausre of self-contempt. Observe what hasn't worked, agree with God, correct your behavior in the strength He gives you. Then move on down the path of God's provision as you experience the abundant life. TW pg 43

Too often I eat outside the 0-5 boundaries and don't even take the time to reflect on what went wrong and what I could do differently next time. Actually as I type this it reminds me that this is true in many areas of my life, not just eating.

I don't focus on confession enough.

I just think "I blew it" and often wallow in feelings of failure. Yet each of these "failures" in my life are teaching moments. I need to seek God, allow His light to shine on secret places of my heart (Psalm 90:8), confessing sin and accept His grace, forgiveness and empowering. Some of my favorite quotes that I have highlighted in the past are:

I am a learner not a failure.

Never consider a single defeat a final defeat. F. Scott Fitzgerald

I'm not a failure, but a work in progress. Sheila (TW pg95)

God is doing a good work in me and will bring it to completion in Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6) I am being transformed into His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18).

3. Pre-plan for trials

I also feel convicted of the need to pre-plan for trials, to be more intentional with each and every choice I make (not just with eating, but also in every other area of my life). I have strayed far from this once again.

I am reminded to be self-controlled and alert for the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).

Oftentimes I approach eating without much forethought...and then I fall into some sticky situations where I struggle to make the right choices. By doing some pre-planning I know that I can set myself up for better choices. I am more likely to see the way out of temptation that God has provided if I have a more "intentional" mindset (1 Corinthians 10:13).

4. Feast at the Lord's table

Most importantly I am continuing to feast at the Lord's table. He prepares a table before me (Psalm 23:5). I NEED to fill up on Him, get fat on Jesus:-)

5. Gratitude

I long for my attitude to be saturated with praise and thankfulness and gratitude to the Lord in each and every circumstance (1 Thessalonians 5:18). I am using my counting my blessings blog to record things I'm thankful for. And the awesome thing about gratitude is that as I focus on gratitude the focus begins to shift away from self and onto God and onto others! It's not all about me ;-)

So, there you have it, these are some goals I'm re-committing to. Sadly I have learned and applied each and every one of these points months ago but then many of them got put in the corner and ignored for the most part. Time to wake up and enjoy the abundant life that God has prepared for those those who follow Him!

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14


  1. Yet each of these "failures" in my life are teaching moments. I need to seek God, allow His light to shine on secret places of my heart (Psalm 90:8), confessing sin and accept His grace, forgiveness and empowering.

    Never consider a single defeat a final defeat. F. Scott Fitzgerald

    I'm not a failure, but a work in progress. Sheila (TW pg95)

    God is doing a good work in me and will bring it to completion in Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6)

    I long for my attitude to be saturated with praise and thankfulness and gratitude to the Lord in each and every circumstance (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
    I focus on gratitude the focus begins to shift away from self and onto God and onto others! It's not all about me ;-)

    All these truths spoke to me.

  2. I pray God will give you His strength to stay committed to your goals. More of Him and less of us, amen Sister? You are so pretty and your heart for God shows. Let your light shine before men.

    Love ya!
