Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Weight Released!

I was so nervous about stepping on the scale this morning. Lately I have felt a bit like a child on a bike with the training wheels removed! Putting my food/exercise log on hold and keeping it private proved a lot harder then I thought it would be. As I began to struggle a bit more with consistency I began to doubt that my weight would be maintained (and certainly doubted a loss).

Anyways, this morning I stepped on the scale and I'm down another pound! Yeah! I felt God reassuring me that I just have to keep pressing on, that I don't need to fret so much about the ups and downs. I just need to fix my eyes on Him and keep pressing on.

So I'm officially down 18 pounds, from 173 lbs to 155 lbs. Thank you Lord! One more pound to release and I'll be in the official bmi zone:-) Also once I get to 153lbs I will feel like another marker is reached as this was the lowest I ever got after my second pregnancy (and that was only for a couple weeks!).

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness, even as I stumble and fall. Thank you for your help and strength. I pray that you would continue to change me from the inside out. In Jesus' name, Amen.


  1. Yay! Congratulations! I know you are estatic!

  2. Praise God. Doing the happy dance for you my friend!!!!! I'm only 5'2", so I am still 15 pounds away from a healthy BMI.

  3. Thanks ladies! What a blessing you each are to my heart:-) I thank God for each of you.

  4. Christina, as I was mopping my floor this afternoon this verse came to my mind, "He who began a good work in YOU will be faithful to complete it." I thought of you. :)

  5. Karla,
    What an awesome verse, isn't it!

    Ladies, each of you are so amazing! I just am so thankful for each of you....and praying for each of you too:-)

  6. Yay Christina! I'm so happy for you. I'm addicted to my scale though. I have to step on it every morning or I feel lost all day. Sad eh?

  7. Way t go Christina! Praising God with you!

  8. I modified my latest post ;) If you can, please pray for my Dad who is having testing done tomorrow to determine the extent of his cancer.

    Love ya!
