Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Prepared to Give an Answer

In past years I would often have friends come up to me and say "You've lost weight!" and I'd usually be stunned because I was the same weight as usual (was probably just wearing a more flattering outfit!). Last time I lost about 8lbs (reaching 160lbs in March '07) I had many friends notice and say how they could really see the difference in my face etc.

Well, this time round I've had only one comment, despite releasing at least 16lbs (which seems like a lot to me!!!). I've found it surprising that few people have noticed this time round...not offensive or bothersome or even a pride thing, just surprising! I know that eventually weight release will change the way my body looks reflecting the changes from within (I think it has already)....and most likely people will notice the change...and I wouldn't be surprised if many will eventually comment.

The reason I bring this up is not because I want to be noticed or to be praised or to be congratulated... I just know that when physical changes happen people usually take note and often comment. And this time round I want God to get the credit for the changes. I feel God is preparing me and teaching me a lesson in all this. God has been working in my heart the past few days, bringing the following verse to mind frequently which really resonated with me:
"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15

I believe God is wanting me to be prepared with an answer when people say "You've lost weight. How did you do it?". I know that God has been central in this whole journey and truly the reason for the changes in me (inside and out). I also believe the purpose of this journey has been to ultimately bring God more glory (just as allowing Lazarus to die and then going back and raising him back to life was about God's glory being put on display). I don't want to gip God of ANY glory. I want my answer to point straight to Jesus.

Up until now I don't think I've been fully prepared with a God glorifying answer (at least not a concise one!!!). In the past few days God has started convicting me of this need. I have been encouraged and excited about the this opportunity to be missional in all of this, planting seeds in people's hearts that hopefully stimulate further spiritual discussion. I have been running over things I could say. I am primarily thinking of friends who are non believers who ask this question....how can I be a witness for Christ and bring glory to Him even through something as "ordinary" as weight loss!

So, I'm mulling over what I can say, as I trust the day will come when weight release will be more evident... I want my response to be at the tip of my tongue and God glorifying! One response (to non believers) that keeps running through my head is, "I know this may sound strange to some people, but it's really all about loving God and enjoying food, not the other way around." And then I could go into how I simply followed the God-given hunger/satisfaction signals. This would reflect how this journey has been about surrendering my appetite for food to God. Another response could be, "It has been a very spiritual process for me. God is really changing me from the inside out." I'm still thinking through this one and I am finding that just trying to find these words has helped me reflect more on the changes that God is working in my heart.

Any other thoughts? Any response that some of you have already used and found quite effective and God glorifying? I really want God to get all the glory this time round!

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31


  1. God's hand truly is moving us now. This, too, is something I have been thinking about in the past few days.

    When I lost my weight with WD back in '98/99, I know that my own pride had a very strong role in not only the dissent in the group I co-led, but in God removing his hand of blessing. I allowed my pride to move me away from God. My weight came back.

    I think it's a really great idea to have a short but meaningful explanation at hand to share - because we KNOW that those opportunities will come.

  2. That's interesting you were thinking about this recently as well! Kind of neat:-)

    I can TOTALLY relate to what you were saying about WD! Back in '98 when I lost 50lbs I just didn't give God the glory or credit....actually I didn't invite Him into the process all that much to be honest. I would frequently say WD was a "gift from God" but pretty much stopped there. Whenever people asked how I lost all that weight I'd say "Ate when I was hungry, stopped when I was full." And that was about the end of it except for sometimes mentioning to Christians that the WD book was a "gift from God" (which it was at time of course...but oh how God wanted so much more for me I'm sure!).

    Anyways, this time round God has been the central part of my TW journey. There's just no question that He is the only reason I have been able to get back on track this time round. Boy has He ever been patient with me!!! I am very thankful for TW constantly directing me towards Him, making sure He is the center at all times.

    Soooo, I'll keep on thinking of short meaningful responses for non-believers in particular :-)

    Lundie, I've been thinking and praying for you today by the way. I'm just so thankful for God's provision of all these amazing TW "journey companions" (as you so wonderfully termed us) :-)

  3. Hi, Christina. I used an answer kind of like the one you did a long time ago "I eat when I am hungry, stop when I am not and because I eat for a MILLION reasons other than hunger, I go to God about all of those!"

    But, to be honest, I typically didn't get all that out before someone would interrupt and start talking about Atkins or something.

    My entry in today's blog shows that I am not in a good place with all of this anyhow. You girls are WAY ahead of me...yay for you and for Lundie! You are listening to God. You have TENDER hearts! I am so thrilled to see that. It is such a blessing and inspiration to me...heavy sigh!

  4. Heidi,
    I think it is just so interesting how the three of us have had similar nudgings from God lately, in regards to our giving an "answer". God is obviously at work!

  5. I am so where you are at Christina. If you see my video I posted yesterday called About God and Dogs, you'll see I'm right where you are at. I want to be able to give God the glory and Him alone when I release this weight.

    Here's a link to the video:


  6. Wow, God is obviously working in a lot of our hearts on this very issue! How cool!

    Melanie, I'll certainly remember you in prayer this weekend. It must be heartbreaking to see family members so resistant to the gospel. Just do and say what you can to just plant a little seed, which we know God can grow! I'll pray the Holy Spirit will move and prepare their hearts in advance. And praying you will have the right words. Short and sweet is probably the route to go when people are shutting God out. Please keep me updated and let me know what God impresses on you to say...

    Praying for you:-)
