Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Heidi's blog got me thinking...

I have been reading through Heidi's blog starting at the beginning of her journey and have been really convicted and challenged through much of what she wrote.

I was thinking at supper tonight about the "giving up the last bite" plan being unnecessary as long as I stop at #5. Well, I think it is a really good practice for me to continue... Why am I even fighting it??? I know it is because I want to eat ALL my food!!! So, I will continue sacrificing some of the food on my plate to the Lord.

The other thing that I know I need to do, that I have read in various places (the latest being Heidi's blog), is to pray and ask the Lord for direction when to stop eating. I really need to start implementing this more. I need to trust Him. I have found it quite bizarre how I actually have a little burp (would air bubble being a nicer description?? :-) when I'm satisfied... Yet so often I push past that and want to continue eating as much as I can within the parameters of 0-5. I feel quite convicted that I'm being disobedient in this. Sometimes I don't get this "air bubble" but still know I've had enough to satisfy. I'm kind of toying with the idea of actually exercising (jumping rope or running) immediately following dinner... Wouldn't that be a good challenge!!!

I also am feeling challenged to wait for really clear hunger signals. I find it particulary hard to discern what my #0 is when I don't get the rumble in the belly. These are the times that I often rationalize my way through the "Am I hungry yet?" question.

Also in regards to the scale.... What an up and down rollercoaster this has been! I read how Heidi would pray and ask God to reveal when she could step on the scale... Interesting thought. I am not sure I am called to wait an entire month (until mid-July) as I originally planned. I guess I have fear of gaining weight when I'm not really consistent with 0-5 eating. I'd rather just know where I stand with things and then keep pressing forward. I'm not sure if this is *wrong* or not... I have to admit I'm a little scared to step on the scale tomorrow morning (which is my current plan). I certainly feel challenged to possibly make it a once-a-week weigh in. I'll just have to bring this to the Lord and follow His leading.

Eating without being accountable to others as I was before, is a bit tough I find. I find I'm not eating quite as consistently 0-5 as before. Why is that!!! Strange I know! Anyways, I plan to keep on growing in this area as I don't think it makes much sense to keep on posting everything I eat for the rest of my life! I know I'm going in the right direction with this one.

Also, I'm having more trouble with regular exercise. I go through my spurts all the time...and really want to get back into regular exercise again. Not sure why I fall off the exercise band wagon all the time! It's not like I set myself up with lofty unrealistic goals! I know it is just laziness!

In regards to time with the Lord... I just am blown away by how He is becoming more a part of each moment. I'm also blown away by the hunger and thirst I have for His word. Thank you Lord!

Well, that's an update at my end. Reading Heidi's blog certainly got me thinking and reflecting! Thanks, Heidi! God continues to use your journey and words to encourage others! What a testimony to His power and grace! You are shining for Him and bringing Him glory! Thanks!


  1. I recently read Heidi's full story and felt convicted as well. One thing I'm realizing is that this journey is so individual. It's amazing how God reveals His purpose for our lives, individually. Not sure if that makes sense????

  2. I am so glad that God can take my wildnerness wandering ramblings to encourage anyone at all. It just proves he is God! Thanks for your kind words.
