Friday, June 6, 2008

Goal #5 - not met

I'm a little sad to say I didn't quite meet goal #5 of waiting until next Friday to weigh-in. I was trying to go 2 weeks without weighing myself... I got through one week though. I don't believe weighing myself weekly is a problem in itself, but I had been feeling challenged to extend the length of time between weigh-ins for this month...probably because the scale clearly has a little more power then it should have in my life at this time.

On the positive note, another pound was released this past week which was probably because I was fairly consistent (through God's grace, strength and power which equipped me of course) with 0-5 eating (even with a bit more ice cream and chocolate in my food log entries lately then I would prefer). Even more importantly I feel God is doing some heart work in me.

I need to learn to just trust Him and trust my body... Actually this is all ringing a bell.... I was just reading Thin Again chapter 6 last night and this paragraph stood out for me:

"The healing process continues as we put ourselves in a safe environment characterized by ongoing support, honesty, unconditional love, prayer, and the Holy Spirit's love and power. In Thin Within support groups, workshop participants continue to meet and hold each other accountable. The support groups remind us that the basis of this new relationship with food, eating and our bodies is trust. First, we trust God who created our bodies. Second, we trust our bodies to signal true hunger and to tell us which foods will satisfy us and when we have eaten "0" to "5". In the context of a loving support group, where we are gathered in God's name, we extend that trust to others as we continue to allow our grave clothes to be unwrapped. 'For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them' (matt. 18:20)" TA pg 112

I need to trust God first and foremost (in ALL areas of my life--food and non food) and trust the body that He has made to so ingeniously be just the right size when eating 0-5! How awesome is that! Now I need to internalize all that and REALLY trust!


  1. Your obedience is being rewarded! May your strength be renewed as you press forward--I'm so excited to see your progress!!!

  2. Thanks for your encouragement Marcie.
