I thought I'd touch base on Thin Within related matters. I'm struggling with sticking with 0-5 eating. The past week I've almost completely reverted to my old self--greedy for food, not eating consciously or in present-time. It's amazing how quicky I can revert. The other night my tummy was so overfull and sore...and I'm not sure I even savoured the food that I stuffed into my body. The verses I felt impressed on my heart this past week were:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. ALL THIS IS FROM GOD. 2 Corinthians 5:17-18a (emphasis added)
You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to PUT OFF YOUR OLD SELF, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to BE MADE NEW in the attiude of your minds and to PUT ON THE NEW SELF, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24 (emphasis added)
I must not forget all the Lord has worked in me, changing me. He has brought me so far. Though I feel a sense of discouragement and even a lack of desire to persevere, I know in my heart submitting to Him is the ONLY path to peace and righteousness, worshipping and elevating Him alone.
Lord, forgive me for falling so short and reverting to the old self. Help me persevere. Help me see with Your eyes. Cut out that root of greed in my heart. In your power, by your provisions and by your grace I step forward. Amen.
I have a few moments to post here in the early hours of the morning before everyone is up and at it for the day.
It was ironic that following my last post about fears and the storm the night before we left...some of the most "worry filled" moments of the trip were only a few hours from home! As we drove down to Minneapolis (where we were flying out of), we had to drive through a HUGE storm cell. It was that kind of rain where the visibility is basically nil. There was also lots of thunder, lightening and some hail. We had to pull over a few times and wait it out. Sooo, that was the start of our trip. Once again prayers were being said! We were in God's hands. I had to trust that He was in control and sovereign and "on His throne".
Next excitement was at Valley Fair. Once again the storm cell was passing over the area. Huge clouds were on the horizon...the kind I have come to think of as "tornado" clouds. Sure enough, a tornado watch was put into effect while we were at the amusement park. Everyone was ushered into a storm safe building and we waited about an hour. Once again many prayers were sent up! Once again it was about trusting God.
In all honesty some of those amusement park rides sent me to prayer a few times as well! We met some friends at Valley Fair...who have no fear of any ride...so subsequently we took MANY rides we would have been too wimpy to try otherwise! Of course we had a blast!
I think God had a lesson to speak to me! My devotions were all centered around reflections on trusting God, on letting go of fear etc. God was speaking loud and clear.
We flew off to Mexico last Wednesday, July 22nd. We had no problems whatsoever with any luggage getting lost or searched etc. Praise God! The next step of concern was getting a ride (about 1.5 hours) to the hotel we were staying at. Once again the Lord provided. I had many concerns about being squished into a small taxi with no seatbelts and a crazy driver. We ended up getting a good price for a bigger vehicle taxi, with LOTS of room to spare and seatbelts for each of us (even the driver was wearing one!). Praise God!
We spent six nights/days vacationing as a family about 1.5 - 2 hours away from Cancun. It has been a wonderful time of reconnecting as a family and as a couple, spending solid quality time together, fantastic weather and ocean scenery, and also a great time of reconnecting with God as I have been gobbling up a bible study workbook, doing multiple studies each day! It has been such a blessing. Praise God for His protection once again for that week of family time with taxi rides, with health, with safety.
On Tuesday, July 28th, we headed to the bus station and took a 4 hour bus ride to Merida, Mexico, where we were met by the Fletchers, the missionary family who have started up the Bridge of Love Orphanage. Late Tuesday night we arrived at their home, greeted the familiar faces of the children we met and connected with last year and fell into bed. Praise God for getting us safely there.
Yesterday was a bit of a whirlwind of a day for us. We played games, told a bible story, did art with stampers/paper and also with chalk on the sidewalk, made some sugar cookies together, went for walks, and just hung out together. The kids seem to be warming up to us again. I am really feeling the language barrier though. I'm kicking myself for not investing in some official spanish classes this past year. The kids have all grown up so much this year. They have taken on much more responsibility this year around the house as well, which is awesome. Martha, in particular, has much wisdom with these kids, gently guiding them and teaching them in the day to day stuff.
Excitement we encountered... Well, cockroaches galore. Ugh. I'm a little squeamish upon seeing so many in our room/bathroom area. Officially "babysitting" the whole crew of kids and making dinner for them (including our kids that was 12 kids) as Steve & Marta headed out for a dinner date. Of course many of them are teenagers so they don't need real babysitting...but it felt weird to be responsible for their care. Thankfully they are all great kids and listened (as translated through the Fletcher's eldest daughter) when we asked them to all head to their rooms at 10pm...for only two hours...since.... A mariachi band visitted the house at midnight, in celebration of Steve & Marta's anniversary! I'm not very good at staying up late in the night....so we headed to bed at 10:15 and managed to get about 2 hours of sleep prior to the sound of the arrival of the marriachi band playing throughout the house! Obviously no sound bylaws in this area!!! Lots of family members came to the house to also enjoy the mariachi band. So, here we were up on the roof top of their house being serenaded by a mariachi band! Wild! (Speaking of sound bylaws....a neighbour apparently enjoys waking up the neighbourhood bright and early at 6-6:30 am with loud music blasted out from his place...for about an hour! I woke up to that this morning, even through the earplug and fan white noise sound barrier!)
Here are a few links to photos my husband, Jon, has posted from our vacation so far: Album #1 Album #2 (loading up as I type this)
Continuing to trust God with health and safety for us all. As I feel completely inadequate and at a loss to know how to minister, I'm throwing myself at the Lord's feet and trusting Him to guide me and direct me. As I look back at the past day I can certainly see His hand at work. And once again I feel completely inadequate for the day ahead, but I trust that God will once again be faithful and use me as He sees fit.
I'm up at 2:45am right now....amidst thunder and lightening and pouring rain and a severe thunderstorm warning in effect...and decided to take advantage of these few moments to post prior to heading off on our trip in the morning. I am such a worry wart and the fact that there is a chance of tornados with storms like these sets me a little on edge. What a fitting start to this post....
I have been worrying and feeling anxious about our trip to Mexico. My mind is honestly like a running movie script. The worst case scenario is often one of my first thoughts which leads me to in a split second to see it all play out in my mind like a movie. I realized this a few years ago and it actually was kind of reassuring to see that this is what my mind was doing...and now I often tend to laugh at how fast and wild my imagination can be...and give it to the Lord. Here are some examples of how my mind works...
Severe thundestorm warning...and of course that slight chance of a tornado pounding through the area is what hits our house...and we are all sleeping so we miss out on escaping to our safe spot in the basement...and all die in the tornado.
Lightening storm...either we have lightening strike our tent, hit the ground and an electrical current run right up our bodies (or our kids bodies) and zap our hearts....or the lightening hits a tree above our tent, sending it crashing down on top of our family, right on our hearts of course!
Mosquito bite....of course west nile virus and we get encephilitis (swelling of the brain) and die.
Respiratory illness...it's the H1N1 (swine flu) and whoever has it in the family gets hit with the worst case scenario and of course dies.
On a rollercoaster ride at ValleyFair (where we're going on Tuesday by the way) and either Jon or I have heart failure and die....or the rollercoaster has a defect and we plummet to our deaths!
Snorkelling...of course we meet the dreaded lone hungry shark in the area and get devoured....or we hit an undertow current and get swept out to sea and drown.
Flying...well, either there are terrorists on board and the plane is hijacked or there is a defect in the plane and we plummet to our death.
In Mexico, driving in a taxi, with a young and crazy fearless race car driver, with no seatbelts on, our entire family of four squished into the back seat of the little vehicle, luggage filling the front seat (which we all know in an accident becomes a HUGE dead weight being thrown around)...well, it is just a death trap in my mind!
The kids having fun playing at the Fletcher's house (where there are so many open windows on the second floor and a huge empty cavern of a pool in the backyard)...and you can probably guess where my thinking wanders...the kids fall from something to their death.
Oh boy, what a list!! It goes on and on and on and on. My brain honestly just functions this way far too often. In fact from an early age I was a worry wart. My grade 2 teacher wrote on my report card "Christina worries too much." LOL
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I lived in a country (my parents were missionaries in Pakistan and I was isolated from them much of the year going to boarding school far from them)....where there were more risks that we took, more uncertainties, more tangible fears. I'm not sure. I have some pictures in my mind of some pretty dangerous situations we were in...and asked my parents about them recently and they said that yes, they were quite concerned in those situations. So it wasn't just me making up scary stuff. It was real.
Needless to say one of my favorite verses from a young age was
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:31
Okay, maybe I should have made my favorite verse instead,
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6
That may have been a more useful scripture to cling to! LOL Anyways, whatever the case, as you can tell, I'm a wimp!!!! And a worry wart!
And this trip to upcoming trip to Mexico has brought to the forefront much of my tendency to allow these worries and anxieties to build in my life. I didn't realize how much this burden was affecting me until the other day when I realized how tense I was, how my heart would race, how I was filled with fear...
And then these words of scripture broke forth, filling and renewing my mind with God's truth.
28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30
Oh boy is that ever me! I need to come and draw near to the Lord. I'm weary from all this worry and definitely burdened with the anxiety. Oh how I need rest and peace, to trust God and His sovereign will. Allow God to be my strength and do the work by taking His yoke. Learn from Him. Oh how I need that. Rest for my soul....oh, please, Lord! For His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
These words cut right to my heart. They were just what I was needing. Fix my eyes on Jesus. Trust God. Those are hard words when facing fears I tell ya! Cast my anxieties on Him because He cares for us. God's all-surpassing power and strength are what I need to rely on in the face of any fear. God is in control. That is a big one that I need to truly allow to renew my mind.
Then yesterday at church we sang a song with these lyrics from "You are God alone."
You are God alone From before time began You were on Your throne You are God alone And right now In the good times and bad You were on the throne You are God alone
Here is the youtube video of the song... "You are God alone"
Oh what a refreshing drink for my soul. God's truth. The anchor in the midst of all the worries. Safe within His will. My soul feels at rest. I feel a deep trust in Him. That He is God and He is in control and that He is all-powerful and all-knowing.
God has been transforming me and drawing me near. My heart is filled with thankfulness for so many blessings, for relationship with Him, for this opportunity to minister we have unfolding in front of us, for His sovereignty.
I had no clue this post was going to be this longwinded! Especially at this hour! The storm is still raging around me, outside the house, with hail pounding the roof, but I am safe inside and feeling at peace. Which is a great illustration of how God wants me to be in the storms of life...at peace with Him as my anchor and refuge. What a great note to head off on, isn't it!
Thanks Lord for your truth, for your word of encouragement to my soul over the past few days, for your sovereignty. Amen.
And so we're off! I'm not sure how much I'll be online over the next month, but I'll try and touch base a few times...
#1. No eating in front of the TV unless it is a meal. I didn't eat in front of the TV though I felt tempted once again.
#2. 11pm bedtime. I went to bed around 11:15 again. I guess it is better than midnight... And I've been waking up at a more reasonable time in the mornings again and feeling a bit more rested.
#3. Exercise 5x this week. Went jogging and biking today. So that makes it four days so far this week. Woohoo!
#4. No desserts this week. Hmmm...got a little greedy again in this department with some scones.
I can hardly believe how fast time is flying by this summer. We'll be on a plane, heading down to Mexico, this upcoming Wednesday! Wow!
Here's a bit of information about what this trip entails.
We are heading down to the Mayan Riviera, landing in Cancun. We will be spending about 6 days family vacation time in Akumal and Tulum, within about 2 hours of Cancun, at the beach. Then from there we are heading via a 4-5 hour bus ride inland, to an orphanage start up in a little village named Dzan, near Merida. We will stay with a missionary family for two weeks and help out as much as possible. And then we're back to the ocean for another 6 nights of family vacation time, in Playa del Carmen. And then fly back home again! It is going to be quite an adventure!
We visited this same family last year and helped out for 10 days. The orphanage is called "Bridge of Love" and the family we stay with are Steve & Marta Fletcher. They have seven orphans living in their home at present along with their own three kids. And the orphanage site is pretty much completed so they will be moving onto the next stage of things pretty shortly I imagine.
We look forward to just hanging out with LOTS of kids all day long:-) There always seem to be kids around....often have no clue who they are! I have planned lots of bible stories and games and crafts which we will bring down with us. We will try to spend as much time as possible investing in these kids lives and extending God's love to them. Last year Jon also helped with some maintenance/building type stuff. And I helped LOTS in the kitchen as there was always a need of some sort! Marta has quite the crew to cook and clean for every single day! I also taught some basic piano to anyone interested. We went for walks, had lots of water fights (since it is HOT HOT HOT there!) and just had such a blessed time. This is a special family and special kids they have brought under their wing. Our kids, age 6 and 8 last summer, seemed to fit in naturally and beautifully though they couldn't communicate with most of the kids since they didn't know spanish.
Sooooooooooo, that is what we are looking forward to in the upcoming month.
We're also looking forward to some wonderful family vacation time. I can hardly believe we'll be snorkelling with sea turtles in five or six days! That's crazy! I'm really hoping our youngest will give snorkelling a try this year. God sure created awesome things under the sea!
We're definitely anxious about travel as it will be a no-seatbelt month quite likely. Hmm...I'm just thinking it may be a worthwhile prayer to pray for taxis which actually have seatbelts! Also, there are other safety concerns as life is just so different there in Mexico versus North America. All prayers are COVETTED!
In regards to discipline issues... I know it will be very difficult to always eat at #0 while at the Fletcher's in particular. I'll aim to stay within 0-5 the best I can with the Lord's help. And the biggest thing I'll be vigilant and prayerful about will be my greed-meter and to remain God-focused and other-focused. If I can watch these aspects I think 0-5 boundaries will fall into place more easily. I will continue to remain intentional and keep a private food log. I know that things flowed and worked out in this regard last year and I want to continue with the same attitude for the most part...though I may be cutting back on how many tortillas I eat in a sitting! I think I overdid that last year!
I think that sums up where things are going in the upcoming month. I'm excited for all that God has in store. I'm nervous about some details and safety issues. I'm feeling blessed to be able to even head down there again. I'm filled with eagerness and anticipation to rekindle the friendships and relationships that started last year. I'm waiting in expectation for God to move. I'm as ready as I can be!
Lord, use us. May our family spread the aroma of your love and grace everywhere we go. I pray for safety and health as we travel. I pray that we would be able to serve you to the best of our ability and that your all-surpassing power would be made evident as we, your humble jars of clay, step out in faith and desire to extend your love to people in need. I pray that YOU would be magnified and glorified. I pray that seeds would be planted and hearts would turn towards You. Amen.
#1. No eating in front of the TV unless it is a meal. I didn't eat in front of the TV tonight though I REALLY felt tempted to munch on some popcorn while watching TV with Jon, as written about in last post. Praise God for that victory step.
#2. 11pm bedtime. I am planning on being in bed by 11pm. Pretty sure that is how the night is lining up. The kids went to bed early at 8pm leaving me with some "down" time for the past two hours. It's harder to go to bed earlier when they head to bed at 9-10pm as they had been the past two weeks.
#3. Exercise 5x this week. I didn't exercise. I have to squeeze two more days of exercise in, so I'm aiming for Sat. and Sun.
#4. No desserts this week. I was able to bypass the coconut cream pie and the peanut butter chocolate chip cookies tonight at supper! Can hardly believe it! The funny thing is that I really didn't think I'd find the "exit"...and said that aloud!
"I don't want to eat dessert...but how can I resist this pie?"
And Jon answered, "I don't want a small piece. I want a BIG piece."
I laughed and knew that was exactly the "out" I needed because it was just one large piece of pie that would have had to have been split between three of us leaving us with three small slivers... So, I proceeded to slice it in two pieces and gave one to him and one to my daughter. It made me smile because it was the perfect line that my husband came up with! LOL He was giving me the "out":-) I opted to just have a yogurt instead.
Checking in for my personal challenge... #1. No eating in front of the TV unless it is a meal. Once again I didn't eat while watching TV.
#2. 11pm bedtime. Went to bed closer to 11:15-30 again....
#3. Exercise 5x this week. Not today. But I'll aim to complete my 5x by exercising Friday and Saturday.
#4. No desserts this week. I had a small slice of pie tonight after supper. I had made a coconut cream pie and served it when my parents and my in-laws were here at my place this evening. That doesn't give me an excuse to eat it of course... Whatever the case I was within 0-5. From here on in I will stay away from the desserts. My in-laws are leaving today so things will be settling back to normal around here. Of course that is only for a few days because we're heading down to Mexico in a few days!!! Can't believe that is around the corner!!!
On a victory note... After my slip up on Wednesday night (eating that bread and banana bread) I decided to be really careful and wait for hunger the next morning. I started the day with a great time with the Lord...and He graciously strengthened me and helped me wait it out. I bypassed breakfast with the family (with Jon, the kids and in-laws), which didn't feel awkward as I kept myself busy puttering around the house. I ended up getting hungry later in the morning, opted to just wait a little longer, and then was good and hungry when it was lunchtime. It felt wonderful to be on track and within the boundaries of victory once again. And then, adding one more step forward, I was careful how much I ate at lunch, and was then hungry for supper. Woohoo! I'm very thankful for the Lord's power, provisions and equipping...and grace.
Checking in for my personal challenge this week: #1. No eating in front of the TV unless it is a meal. Once again I didn't eat while watching TV.
#2. 11pm bedtime. My in-laws are at our place and after they headed to bed Jon and I continued talking...a bit too late. So I didn't really get to bed until closer to 11:15-11:30.
#3. Exercise 5x this week. Day three of exercise this week. I jumped rope for 20 minutes.
#4. No desserts this week. Once again, a kinda no answer from me. I "cheated" a little bit by eating 1/2 scone at lunch and 1.5 slice banana bread after the supper main course. We have my in-laws here and it was a low sweet, less rich kind of treat...so I went for it. But it is not exactly what I wanted for the week.
Okay, confession time..... I am saddened that I missed out on a learning opportunity that I had last night. I had baked a fresh loaf of bread in the breadmaker for tomorrow (which is now today's) lunch. Somehow I was able to stuff away the truth, pushing it as far back as possible at the first possible sound of that little voice of reason and truth...and headed to try a slice at 10pm. After my in-laws headed to bed, I went for some more bread.....and added to that some banana bread. Ugh.
I didn't feel past #5. However I knew I had NOT set myself up for victory for the next day's eating. I had an inkling that I'd regret the choices...but forgot how MUCH I regret the choice the next day. This morning I woke up feeling awful about the choices I'd made. I felt saddened that I'd missed out on learning a way out of the temptation. I felt awful thinking how much I'd eaten. And I felt renewed concern about weight gain and not loss...when in fact I'd like my weight to settle down to a more reasonable level before we head to Mexico next week. The extra snack (which was also extra large) is not going to help me meet that goal.
I also just finished reading "Freedom from Emotional Eating" by Barb Raveling and it was SUCH a great chapter at the end....and I feel saddened, with all the great knowledge and tools she presented, that I didn't take hold of the truth. I was really so encouraged by each study in that last chapter over the past few days. Missing out on the learning opportunity was a bit like twisting a knife in the back! I want another one!!! hahaha! Oh boy, that's a little strange isn't it!
Okay, I will probably get my wish and have more temptations today. I have my in-laws here still. And then tonight my parents are coming over. There is always more food around...and more on a time schedule...during company visits. Plus tonight I'm going to make and serve a coconut cream pie (my dad's favorite) but I intend to bypass. So it looks like I have some more learning opportunities in disguise! LOL
#1. No eating in front of the TV unless it is a meal. I didn't eat while watching TV.
#2. 11pm bedtime. I went to bed at 10:45pm.
#3. Exercise 5x this week. I exercised day 2 of this week - jumped rope for 20 minutes.
#4. No desserts this week. I kinda followed through with the dessert thing...though I make it a question mark because I did have a small scone after pizza at suppertime. I think of scones as more of a biscuit as it isn't very rich or sweet...so that's why I say I "kinda followed through." Anyways, better then I would usually do.
Okay, I promised in this post that I'd touch base here each day this week giving account for how I followed through with each of the resolutions I felt called to.
#1. No eating in front of TV unless it is a meal. Yes, I managed to not only not eat in front of the TV...but also to not even turn the TV on today. :-)
#2. 11pm bedtime. Last night I must confess I didn't get to bed until 11:10pm...which is actually a step in the right direction still! At least it wasn't midnight! Tonight I'm aiming to head straight to bed after this post! So I'm hoping to be in bed, lights out by 11pm:-)
#3. Exercise 5x this week. Well, I got it in one time this week! Yay! This is a big accomplishment! I haven't been doing much exercise at all over the past 2 months....*gulp* time sure does fly!
#4. No desserts this week. Followed through with this. It wasn't easy this evening...but I made it! I got through it:-) I'm not getting too nit-picky about what this means exactly, how many grams of sugar is allowed etc. But I mainly just want to steer clear of sugary treats after lunch or dinner.
Building on the truth. How often do I allow lies or outright rebellion be the foundation of my thinking? More often than I would like to recount I fear! This chapter reminds us that beliefs move to actions which reap results. Therefore it is key to make sure the beliefs are grounded in truth. It's a chain reation!
I was encouraged by these verses:
Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27 For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Philippians 2:13
Too often I get sidetracked by trying to do this all on my own...and I know far too well how that works! I usually derail all the good intentions I feel called to. I fail. I slip. I slide. I need to remember that it is GOD who is at work...not Christina! His all-surpassing power in this jar of clay!
The other thing that stood out for me with this chapter were the following points:
Be informed. Be willing. Be faithful. TW pg 143-144
I'm feeling challenged to "be informed." I have been thinking how I want to put less "junk" into my body. I want to use more discernment in this area, particularily with sugary treats. That is probably my biggest weakness with eating...big surprise! :-)
I'm also feeling challenged to "be willing" and "be faithful"...in other words be more fully surrendered to the Lord. I don't want to hold back. I want to allow Him to lead and direct me. I want my life to be a living sacrifice to Him...because I know that I can trust Him and I know that He loves me more than I can even trust or love myself!
Here is some good advice which I really should apply:
The next time you face the pantry, refrigerator, or cookie jar, and you're really not hungry, ask yourself what you believe about your quest to become a vibrant, healthy temple of God.
Ask yourself (and the Lord) what actions would follow if you were to believe what God's Word of truth says about you? God has promised to empower you so that your actions reap results that give glory to Him and an abiding joy within. TW pg148
Now I just have to move to the application stage with all these thoughts!
Okay, today I am setting a few resolutions for the upcoming week. I'll give account each day here. So, here they are....
#1. No eating in front of the television unless it is a meal. (on Sunday nights we often watch America's Funniest Videos as a family with a popcorn supper) So, that means NO SNACKING in front of the TV. And I want to stick with this until at least the end of the summer. It's going to be tough because it has become a habit over the past few months. On weekends, once the kids are in bed, I love popping up some popcorn and munching in front of the TV. Maybe I can keep my hands busy with some crocheting (!). I think I could figure that out again if I took a stab at it!
#2. Bedtime needs to be 11pm at the latest, so I can be up at a reasonable time.
#3. I'm going to exercise 5x this week. NO EXCUSES! I just have to get moving! Going to bed earlier should help with that.
#4. No desserts this week. Ooooh, this will be a hard one. But I know this will be a wise choice.
I wanted to remember some of the stuff posted on this thread at the thin within forums. There is some really good stuff posted there that is worth reading.
The last chapter dealt with furnishing my mind. This chapter continues digging a bit deeper into this concept. As I have good intentions to furnish my mind with only that which is pleasing to the Lord, I often continue slipping and sliding around... And the key is:
Observe and correcct the things that stand in the way of reaching your godly goals... If you find you are flesh-controlled, stop and ask God to fill all your empty places with Himself. TW pg136
God will provide a way out of temptation (2 Corinthians 10:13)... He promises an exit plan is available.
2 Corinthians 10:5, capturing every thought for Christ, becomes particularily compelling at this point. Each present moment counts. Practising His presence becomes all that more important as I will be more discerning of His good and perfect will when I am in step with Him.
I appreciated Heidi's marble jar video so much and thought it fit so well with this chapter...and I really want to keep this video on record for myself. It is an inspiring look at capturing each present moment.
I think I'm going to try the physical use of a marble jar or even a graph (color in a square for each victory step) for my travels.
Continuing on, this chapter also introduces the concept of a naturally thin person.
Think of a naturally thin person, someone who is not governed by rules or laws regarding food and eating. TW pg135
The person that comes to my mind is such an inspiration in this regard. I love how she doesn't care about calorie counting, fat grams, carbs etc. etc. She simply aims to eat a healthy well rounded diet in moderation. She eats slowly, enjoys and savours her food, puts her fork down and states she is "full" often way before me, and has a take it or leave it attitude towards dessert, depending on if she has room still for dessert. Even her dessert she eats in moderation. I cannot even IMAGINE her binging on food! That seems unfathomable for me! But I truly believe this is just not an area she struggles with. She has candy and chocolate lying out in full view all over her house. Her halloween candy stash lasts past a year and has to be thrown out! She actually FORGETS about the candy and chocolate and sweet treats on her counter! I cannot IMAGINE that either! I am thankful for this glimpse of freedom and balance. Will I ever be in that spot? Probably not to the degree she is...yet I pray I will move more and more in that direction.
So, once again, I am reminded to practice His presence. To be present. To capture the present moment. Because of His grace. Because of His love. Because of His compassion. By His enabling and empowering.
I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them. Hosea 11:4
Lord, I look up and open wide my mouth. Feed me. I love you. Amen.
Once again the title is grabbing my attention. "Furnishing" brings many images to mind. I'm NOT inclined towards interior decorating in the least! Though I do like to make sure our home is adequately furnished with comfortable furniture, dishes, pictures on the walls, plants etc.
Last chapter was about demolishing and removing the rubble. This chapter is about moving in, having a fresh start. What kinds of things am I going to allow to line the walls of my mind? What fills my every waking thought?
And when the term "practising the presence of God" was mentioned on pg 123 it came together and clicked for me. I am being reminded to once again take each and every moment in step with the Lord, present in His Presence.
This chapter introduced Larry the Legalist, Maureen the Manipulator and Abigail the Achiever. I think I have a tendency to be any one of those at any moment in time. Though I think I most relate to Larry as I often get sidetracked onto this path of legalism that makes me feel like I am in control...and then WHAM! I find out I am definitely NOT in control!!!! My fleshly desires and urges are VERY strong and alive and active and kicking just as described in Galatians 5:17!
For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. Galatians 5:17
I appreciated these words, paraphrased from various scripture verses:
"In Christ," I am inspired by His Spirit... "In Christ," I am equipped for whatever He calls me to do... "In Christ..." I am free, no longer a slave to sin. TW pg122
Inspired. Equipped. Free.
That is the path I want to be on. The path of God's provision under the canopy of His grace.
Today I have been focussing on practising His presence. I have been aiming to take every inclination and thought captive to Him, desiring to be "free to hear the voice of the Spirit leading and directing me." (TW pg123)
I have often spoken about this concept with others when explaining TW to them...but often forget to apply and ask the Lord "What should I eat for lunch today? What is pleasing in Your sight? When should I stop Lord?" I usually remember to have a grateful heart at mealtimes and use the opportunities to praise and thank Him for the food before me, though this is harder at family mealtimes... But to actually apply discernment to my eating choices according to His Spirit's leading is something I have not been practising very effectively or frequently.
Thank You Lord that You are able and willing to make all grace abound to Your children, so that in all things at all times, having all that we need, we will abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8)
Rubble is defined as "broken bits and pieces of anything, as that which is demolished."
Has gluttony and greed been demolished, destroyed, ruined, torn down, laid to waste yet? I guess I feel like God has given me a measure of victory in this battle... But I feel a bit like the Israelites at times, clinging to some of the idols, stealing some of the forbidden plunder...not allowing the ruin to be complete. Sometimes I even wonder if I have some walls still standing.
Regardless, God desires the rubble to be removed. I know He wants me to be whole and healed and free in Him. That is the point of this chapter.
Here is probably the largest piece of rubble that I see lingering in the ruins...
This is my body, and I can do with it as I please. TW pg110
Ah, flat out rebellion! A good old temper tantrum! A self-focussed, pleasure-seeking attitude.
Not only are you a temple, a santuary in which God has chosen to dwell, but you are set apart by Him and for Him. You are His! TW pg111
If I could *really* connect with the above truth, I know I would experience a new level of freedom in Christ.
Set apart. His temple. What a privilege and honor and joy. I am humbled and excited and nervous all at once!
This ol' jar of clay?! You sure, Lord? Wow! You really do love me!
His provision... He empowers... We can live in peace... TW pg112
Peace. This is what I am seeking at this point in my TW journey. I want to be present in His Presence and experience His peace.
Here is some more rubble that the chapter highlighted which I could well relate to...
Lie:The joy I get from eating is worth any suffering that happens as a result.
Far too often this is the kind of thinking I have. I know in my heart that I will regret it later...but I go ahead anyways and eat outside the 0-5 boundaries or eat what I know is not what God is directing me towards.
Truth:Rejoice in the Lord always. Phil. 4:4
True joy only comes from the Lord. I need to remember this. There are no regrets when I feed on Living Water and the Bread of Life.
Lie:I will worry about getting control of my eating when things aren't so crazy or hectic.
Hmm... Sounds like a classic line that I use just about every chance I get. There will ALWAYS be an excuse! Honestly! I believe I could make up one for just about every day of the year! Anyways, the one I'm dealing with right now is summer travels. I know things are going to be out of whack, particularily when we head to Mexico (same place as last year) and are living according to the schedule of our host family for 2 weeks...and then of course when we are enjoying the family vacation portion and being tempted to do the "tourist nibbling" thing. So I could easily pull out this excuse and stop being intentional... But... I know this is not a renewing of my mind with truth.
Truth:Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. James 4:13-15
The truth of the matter is that since I can always make up an excuse, no excuse is a good excuse! I must live intentionally in step with the Lord, in the Presence of the Lord, in the PRESENT....not just in the future! NOW is the time! The Kingdom of God, the reign of God, is NOW for His child.
And the thing I appreciate most about God is that He is gracious...and He is not leaving me unequipped... Rather, His word says (as paraphrased TW pg114) You have been given everything you need for life and godliness by His very great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:3).
Here's a quote I love and bears repeating...
You can say, "I can't," as long as in the next breath you say, "But, God, You can." (as quoted by Kay Arthur in TW on pg114)
The prayer on pg115 is my prayer today:
Please break me where I am proud and strengthen me where I am weak so I can surrender fully to You and to the power of Your transforming grace.
We just got back from a camping trip. What a great time we had! Here are a few pictures from our trip... Beautiful scenery! What a masterpiece God created! Our eldest daughter looking so pretty:-)
And my "baby" :-)
A new "friend":-) He found an empty container of icing on the picnic table...and proceeded to lick it clean!!!
I know our hair looks a bit frazzled! We all have hat heads! This was the first island we "landed" on for our short canoe trip outing.
Another sight on our canoe trip ~ an awesome bald eagle... The fact that it was July 4th, American Independance Day, didn't escape me! After all, my mom and relatives on her side are all american citizens!
I'm wishing I'd taken some pictures of our campsite and fun around the campfire... But for now, this is the best I have to offer:-)
In terms of eating within 0-5...I could have done better. I actually started off pretty intentional and was staying in the boundaries. However, as the week progressed I began to slack off. And the late night snacks around the campfire, coupled with inevitable extra camping treats like ice cream, munchies, chips, cookies...began to take their toll on my good intentions. Whatever the case, I'm back and determined to once again re-commit to 0-5.
I'm thankful for the many blessings God has poured into my life. When I look at His handiwork surrounding me in nature, I am awestruck! When I experience the joy of family and friends, I am thankful. When I realize His unlimitted patience with me, I am humbled. He is good. Thank you, Lord.
My name is Christina. Welcome to my blog! Much of this blog reflects my journey living out the principles outlined in the "Thin Within" book, as my desire is to be spiritually, emotionally and physically healthy! As this journey has unfolded I have seen how important it is to surrender each and every part of my life to the Lord. I have been utterly blown away by His lavish love and amazing grace poured out in my life...no matter how many times I slip and fall. My prayer continues to be...