Thursday, December 18, 2008

What lines the walls of my mind?

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor. 10:5
This verse is the central portion of scripture that is unpacked in week 9 of the Breaking Free study by Beth Moore. What an INCREDIBLE week of lessons this has been! I hardly know where to begin. But for now, I'll just unpack a few things that God has been unveiling to me in the past couple days.

"Give this next statement your full attention the walls of your mind will never stay bare. Never. Let's face it. Our minds work even when we sleep. Once we tear down lies, we have to re-wallpaper with truth or the enemy will happily supply a new roll of wallpaper. Different pattern maybe--a more updated look--but the same deceptive manufacturer." Breaking Free workbook by Beth Moore pg 195

The walls of my mind never stay bare.

That has been resonating in my mind.

"The question becomes, then, how do we re-wallpaper our minds with truth? First, be understanding the goal. What does God want to accomplish in our minds? We possess the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16), but we still have the full capacity to think with the mind of the flesh. We are MENTALLY BILINGUAL you might say. My older daughter is almost fluent in Spanish, but she still thinks mostly in English because she practices it more. The same concept is true of you and me. We will think with the mental language we practice most." Breaking Free workbook by Beth Moore pg 195

So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. Romans 7:21-23

"We will not be free until we adopt the mind of Christ." Breaking Free workbook by Beth Moore pg 195

So, one question that has kept on turning over in my mind over and over again is "Which mental language am I practicing most?"

The truth began to become evident as I began to examine what lines the walls of my mind... I gotta tell you it felt like a HUGE surprise to me, when I got down to the nitty gritty, how many lies and deceptions of the devil I have allowed to line the walls of my mind. I feel led to share what I began to uncover... Welcome to the hidden corners, the secret places, of my mind...

When I'm willfully rebellious I am thinking...
  1. I (SELF) am the most important. My desires are the most important. I want what I want when I want it...and I get what I want.
  2. I've tried calling out to God in the midst of temptation before and it hasn't worked, so why bother?
  3. It will make me feel so much better (to eat that ice cream etc)--more energy, more enjoyment etc.
  4. Just get it done and over with. I can't resist. Why bother?
  5. God doesn't care about this one time, does He? He'd forgive me anyways, right?
  6. I sin. God forgives. I can count on that!

When I'm in auto pilot mode with overeating or am tempted to eat outside 0-5 I am thinking...
  1. Quick, quick! Do it quickly before you have time to think or second guess. Don't even think about praying right now. Just eat it quick!
  2. It tastes so good. More WILL satisfy me more.
  3. I'm at the counter munching. This doesn't really "count."
  4. I'm just "extending" my lunch/supper meal a little longer. What's the harm in that?

When I'm tired and am tempted to eat I'm thinking...
  1. I need a quick pick-me-up.
  2. I don't want to battle anything right now. I'm too tired. Just give me food.
  3. Food will give me energy and give me the pick-me-up I need. Nothing else can fill that spot like food.
  4. I'll deal with the guilt tomorrow. New start tomorrow.

When I'm tempted to overeat in social situations I'm thinking...
  1. I don't want to insult the hostess by not eating anything (or not cleaning my plate).
  2. Eat, eat, eat all the good food. This is your chance!
  3. Others are eating more then me, so I am entitled to eat more.

When I'm tempted to taste test something despite not being hungry I'm thinking...
  1. I gotta know how it tastes!
  2. Everybody does it once in awhile!
  3. Just a small bite which of course leads to...
  4. Okay, since I started this cookie, I may as well eat the whole cookie. I've already fallen (slipped), why fight the urge?
  5. How can I give this away if I don't know how it tastes?
  6. It always tastes best when it is fresh. I don't want to miss out on that!

When sugary treats tempt me I'm thinking...
  1. More of it will definitely satsify me more!
  2. I can't go without something sweet in the day.
  3. I NEED dessert after supper...and LOTS of it since I was "good" all day!
  4. I can't resist. It feels magnetic.
  5. I don't want to give this up to God. This is my special treat.
  6. I want to eat this in moderation but I'm still not quite satisfied so I will eat more...

Out of whack shedules often get me feeling tempted and thinking...
  1. Eat now. I don't want to be out (away from food) and hungry.
  2. At my in-laws--this is THE mealtime. It's time to eat. Don't make a scene.
  3. Hunger is somthing that MUST be fed immediately! So to be caught off guard with hunger is scary. Must meet the need IMMEDIATELY! NEED food NOW!

When I'm tempted to do some "tourist nibbling" I'm thinking...
  1. Gotta eat as much of it as possible NOW because I won't get this opportunity again (or for quite awhile).
  2. Taste buds are alive! My stomach feels full. Ignore the signals.
  3. It's Christmas. This kind of food/baking only comes once a year!

I am in utter amazement at all the thoughts that line the walls of my mind in regards to eating. If I was to apply this exercise to other sins boy those walls are cluttered! Unbelievable! It is time to tear down the lies of Satan with the truth of God's Word. I don't want to be so mentally BILINGUAL! I truly desire to be thinking in only ONE language...with the MIND OF CHRIST. It's time to "starve the flesh and feed the spirit" (BF pg199).

Lord, help me line the walls of my mind with Your truth and may my thoughts be taken captive by You and bow down to You. I pray that You would begin to transform the walls of my mind and make me more like You each and every moment of each and every day. Please help me be victorious Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

I've been processing some of this already with truth statements and scriptures... I still have more work to do, more processing to do. I'll follow this post up later with what God reveals to me.


  1. Lord, help me line the walls of my mind with Your truth and may my thoughts be taken captive by You and bow down to You. I pray that You would begin to transform the walls of my mind and make me more like You each and every moment of each and every day. Please help me be victorious Lord. In Jesus name, amen.
    amen amen amen

  2. "My older daughter is almost fluent in Spanish, but she still thinks mostly in English because she practices it more. The same concept is true of you and me.", amen! I need to practice what I preach...
