Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Lord's Table~Day 18,19,20,21

Day 18~Setting Captives Free I

Slaves are not free people, but rather they have a master and must do his bidding. I remember how a food image would lodge in my brain, and I could try to pray it away, ignore it, or read the Bible, but it kept after me until I would eventually give in and obey the demands to indulge. Then I would feel bad and ask for God's forgiveness, but soon after I would be indulging again over a different food thought, over and over. This is slavery to sin. Have you had this type of "slavery" experience? TLT workbook pg 57

YES! YES! YES! I can completely relate to this description.

This lesson highlights the following verses...
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?" Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:31-36

It is the TRUTH, Jesus Christ, Who sets us free!

So this lesson asks the question: What are some lies you have believed in your overeating?

  • If I don't eat it now it will continue tempting me.
  • Eating MORE of something will somehow be MORE satisfying.
  • I'm tired and eating will bring enjoyment and relaxation.

  • Eating it NOW does temporarily remove the temptation... But too often another temptation is lying in wait! It doesn't solve the dilemma!
  • Eating MORE of something definitely is NOT more satisfying. Rather it brings me a sore belly and feelings of shame and condemnation.
  • Eating when I'm tired DOES bring me a degree of enjoyment and relaxation. But ultimately it also brings with it the baggage of guilt and condemnation as I know it is not the best choice at this time. God has many more provisions that I can enjoy and be refreshed by in those moments. Food is not the wisest choice.
I really appreciated this scripture as well...
Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile." Jeremiah 29:12-14

I need to keep calling on God, seeking Him, praying to Him WITH ALL MY HEART. He WILL answer. He WILL reveal truth. He WILL restore me.


Day 19~Setting Captives Free II--From Prison to Praise

Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,
and he saved them from their distress.
He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom
and broke away their chains.
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love
and his wonderful deeds for men,
for he breaks down gates of bronze
and cuts through bars of iron. Psalm 107:13-16
The above passage shows that God responds to His people crying out to Him by:

  • humbling their hearts
  • saving them
  • bringing them out of darkness
  • breaking their chains
  • breaking down gates of bronze and cutting bars of iron

I'm so weak. I get so mad at myself. It seems I start the day with such resolve (and prayer may I add) but then somehow this resolve just keeps weakening as the day goes by, especially the instant I'm hungry, the instant sugar is in front of me, the instant a thought/lust for eating enters my mind.

I keep calling and calling out to the Lord. I know lessons are being learned through this. It is not for nothing. I'm enslaved to my sinful lusts. I'm still trying to be the lord of my life in this area. I'm still doing things MY way. I'm in a prison right now. I need God to set me free. I need a true humble, contrite, repentant heart. I need to take each thought captive for Christ.

He WILL humble and save me. He WILL bring me out of this darkness. He WILL break the bands apart. He WILL shatter the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I trust God CAN and WILL do this.


Day 20~Setting Captives Free III

"Now you shall eat in this manner: with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste--it is the LORD'S Passover." Exodus 12:11

This verse highlights how the Israelites were to be ready for flight, ready to escape slavery. They were to be ready to move AWAY from Egypt.

So how do I "eat my way out of slavery?" Answer: Feed on the Word of God! The way that you and I today, "eat the Lamb," is to take Scripture and chew on it, and apply it to our lives... Freedom follows fullness... We can't "try" our hardest not to overeat and be successful; we will always fail. But we can "eat" our way out of slavery. TLT workbook pg65

But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers. Psalm 1:2-3

What an awesome verse! I need to be hooked up to the true water source. Then I will yield fruit and prosper. This is all about walking with God moment by moment, capturing each and every thought for Christ, and saying "Get away satan, for it is written..."

God impressed the following thoughts on my heart this day...

Why do I leave this time, first thing in the morning, as the main time I feed on His word...yet I physically eat a breakfast, lunch and a supper and sometimes even a snack in between. I feel challenged to have a spiritual breakfast, lunch and supper, filling up on His word throughout the day to keep me going. Maybe my spiritual supper should be one of my biggest meals, just as it is physically for me. For the evening is the time I feel most tempted.

I've been trying to follow through with this the past two days and it has been wonderfully satisfying to fill up on God's word more frequently.


Day 21~Focus

This lesson is all about fixing my eyes on Jesus. If I focus on the pull of the sin then I'm pulled under. I need focus on Christ. He will help me rise above.

Application for me would be...

  • capturing each thought for Christ (surrendering each and every thought to Him)
  • spiritual breakfast, lunch and supper
  • constant prayer, spending time with God moment by moment

Over the past few days I have felt a little dragged down as I studied the TLT materials. It emphasizes the seriousness of sin and the need for repentance. TW, in contrast, emphasizes the grace of God in the face of our failures and sins and the need to observe and correct rather then beat ourselves up with the club of condemnation. I find TW is quite motivating in its approach. Yet I also know I have needed this TLT material to highlight the ugliness of my sin and to highlight my need for further surrender and turning to the Lord. So I continue to pray for a truly repentant heart. And I need to remember to focus on the TW tool of observation and correction as this has really helped me in the past. I've been completely bypassing that tool lately!


  1. I agree totally with your statements about TW and TLT. I personally consider TW to be a grace based approach while TLT leans towards legalism (not in a bad sense of the word)...what we need is balance and a Holy call to do God's will and not any particular plan. I've been really seeking God in this area, because when God releases the weight from me and frees me from the bondage of overeating, I want it to be clear that it was because of Him alone and not any particular plan, whether it be TW or TLT. I just want my victory to be in Christ alone, amen?

  2. Hey, I used that scripture you have for Count Your Blessings for my devotional yesterday and shared your blog link ((hugs))

  3. "I keep calling and calling out to the Lord. I know lessons are being learned through this. It is not for nothing. I'm enslaved to my sinful lusts. I'm still trying to be the lord of my life in this area. I'm still doing things MY way. I'm in a prison right now. I need God to set me free. I need a true humble, contrite, repentant heart. I need to take each thought captive for Christ."

    Christina, I remember bawling, sobbing, hating myself so badly because of the disobedience and sin that lived in my life concerning food. The bondage was so great. Each and every morning before my feet hit the ground I would recall my sins of the night before with food, ask God to forgive me again, and resolve I would do better this time! Than I would fall again. I could not understand why I continued. The scripture from Paul is one I would cry out ALOT. Oh Wretched man that I am, who will save me from this death, praise be to God, through Jesus Christ. I remember thinking and hearing the Lord speak to my spirit,'Your killing yourself with food'.
    I DIDN'T stop praying, didn't stop crying, didn't stop believing that one day,,ONE DAY I would be set free. Keep on keeping on girl. There will be a day when this stronghold that is upon you will be broken by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. There will come a day where you are able to walk about your days, with no thoughts concerning food. It is bind bloggling to think, I never though that would happen, but God did it!! Keep speaking words of life over you, and thanking God NOW for for the freedom, NOT after it happens..((hugs)) Please know you have been heavy in my thoughts and prayers. God keeps calling you to my mind alot lately.

  4. I always appreciate your comments and coming to visit my blog! But most of all I appreciate your prayer for me! I am praying for you also! All things are possible with the Lord on our side!


  5. Angela,

    Thanks so much for your encouraging words of truth. You are a true role model for me. It's awesome to see where (and how) God broke you free from this stronghold of overeating. I praise Him for the work He has done in you!

    Great advice as well. I will certainly be praying in faith. Thank you SOOOOOOO much for your prayers. I can honestly say that the past few days have just felt "different". I feel so hungry for God's word and I'm feeling the shackles of this sin less over the past few days. I definitely am praising God for this.

    Love and prayers for you, dear Angela,
    Christina :-)
