Friday, December 19, 2008

The Lord's Table~Day 24, 25, 26

Day 24~Vigilance

"Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41

Watch and pray. Watch and pray. Watch and pray.

How many times do I need to say that to get that through my head????!!!

The following question is asked: What are some specific areas of temptation that you need to be watchful and pray about?

That question sure sounds a lot like the Thin Within term "fat or flesh machinery" (what causes me to turn to food when I'm not hungry).

My usual (!) answers: tiredness, social occasions, evening munchies, taste testing etc...

Here's a great verse to add to the "watch and pray" advisory that Jesus gives...

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 1 Peter 5:8-9

The magnetic pull of food is a reflection of the power of Satan's lies and what lines the walls of my mind. Yet how encouraging it is to know that he CANNOT make me do anything. As the Beth Moore "Breaking Free" study highlights...

"Satan does not have the power or authority to lock believers in a prison of oppression. He works overtime to talk us into staying because he lacks the power to keep us there. Satan can presume no authority over Christians. He only has authority by invitation. He woos us into prison cells, but he cannot make us enter nor force us to stay. Unfortunately, Satan doesn't require a written invitation. Failure to post a "keep away" sign through Bible study and prayer can be invitation by default. Do not misunderstand me to say that Satan can inhabit the mind of a believer. Most definitely he cannot. The Word suggests, however, that he can strongly encourage ideas, doubts and thoughts into our minds.... Why does Satan have to use lies? Because he is a totally defeated foe... Lies are all Satan has. That's why he has to be so adept at using them." Breaking Free workbook by Beth Moore pg 192, 193

I'm sensing a theme here! Be vigilant (watch and pray) about what lines the walls of my mind. This is my "keep away" sign!

Some things that I can do to "drag every known sin, and temptation into the light" and be vigilant are...

  • truth journalling, noting what is lining the walls of my mind and applying the truth of Scripture to each and every thought and taking it captive for Christ
  • continued bible reading/prayer (especially early morning)~be saturated
  • memorization (I still haven't applied this, but really want to)
  • pre-plan for trials
  • focus on conscious eating

Can you tell I'm a list-maker??? I'm the person who actually makes a rough copy and GOOD copy of my shopping lists!!!! I know I'm crazy! It's just the way I function best:-)


Day 25~The Greatness of God

This lesson focuses on, of course, the greatness of God:-)

"Those who do not see the greatness of God become great in their own eyes." TLT workbook pg 81

I LOVE Isaiah 40. It is a wonderful description of God. Here are a few things I higlighted about Who God is as I read through this chapter...
  • Shepherd (cares, leads, tends, nurtures)
  • Creator
  • All-knowing
  • All-wise
  • Big
  • Great
  • Nothing/No one can compare
  • King (enthroned above all)
  • Above all in authority
  • No equal
  • He lifts us up
  • He gives us strength and hope

I am left wondering if I have a false view of God when I am being gluttonous. Two lies that came to mind were:
God doesn't care about just this one time.
Calling out to God in the midst of temptation doesn't work. He doesn't answer.

Both of those are lies which I will tackle in my next post.


Day 26~Break the Chain

What an awesome lesson this was. It's amazing how God ties a whole bunch of teaching together to speak to me.

Day 14 of Thin Within is entitled "Choosing to Build on Truth." It emphasizes how beliefs lead to action which lead to results. Are my beliefs grounded in the Truth of God's Word?

Sounds a bit like what God has been unpacking for me in the Breaking Free study, doesn't it?! The walls of our minds are never bare. So, what lines the walls of my mind? Satan's lies or God's truth? I must examine what lines the walls of my mind (recognize the captor), stand in agreement with God, tear down the lies, put of the truth of God's Word, and thought must bow to the Truth.

And this sounds quite similar to what I've read about the concept of "truth journalling." I know Heidi has mentioned it a number of times in her blog. What I gather is that I am to write out my thoughts/feelings, discern whether it is a lie or a truth and then apply the truth of Scripture to each statement.

Today's TLT lesson is right in line with all these teachings.

You and I have had a problem with overeating. And if we examine times of failure we will always find a chain of events that lead up to the "crash." TLT workbook pg 83

Here's a destructive chain that was described in Genesis 13:8-13 and the points that Mike Cleveland notes...

  1. Separate from fellowship
  2. See something sinful and focus on it
  3. Set out toward it
  4. Pitch our tent near it and live in it
  5. Taken captive by it
I am learning to notice when links in an accident chain are developing and to break at least one link to prevent an overeating accident. TLT workbook pg 84

I can relate this to the TW chapter 14 exercise...
Break the chain under the canopy of God's grace by lining up my beliefs with the truth of God's Word which leads to actions (obedience) which leads to results (holy living).

Relating this same teaching from TLT to the Breaking Free emphasis on asking the question of what lines the walls of our minds...
Break the chain by tearing down lies and replacing them with the truth of God's Word.

I can also relate this same teaching to the the concept of "truth journalling" by Barb Raveling.
Beliefs lead to feelings which lead to actions.
My understanding is the premise is to line up beliefs with truth.

Hmmm.... Do you sense a theme here??? God is definitely speaking pretty loud and clear it seems:-)

Onto my "assignment" from God! Tearing down the lies of Satan (breaking a link in the chain) and replace with the Truth of God's Word! This may take some time. I got a bit of a head start today (and will post that tomorrow!) but I can see it's going to be a lot of work! But I trust it will be well worth the effort!

Lord, please help me as I search Your Word for truth. Please guide me to Scripture that speaks to each and every one of Satan's lies that I have allowed to line the walls of my mind. Give me discernment and understanding. Help me see how GREAT You are! I pray that I would begin to have the mind of Christ and experience the freedom that You desire for each of Your children. In Jesus name, amen.


  1. I enjoyed your blog. I feel encouraged by reading about your weight loss; mine is going so slowly but I can see changes in the mirror and in my clothes. The Bible says to exhort one another and I feel strengthened by reading your words today. I am leaving your blog open on my computer to go back and review over and over.

  2. I'm such a list maker too.! I have lists for the daycare, for my day, I even write down 'brush teeth, get dressed, etc.'. Than cross off when I have completed the I'm a schedule kinda girl (one of the reasons why I struggle with weekends, laziness and procrastination), I'm an organizer, and everything has a place. I'm getting so much spiritual food from your posts. They greatly minister to me, encourage me, and sharpen me!!

  3. Thanks ladies. You have greatly encouraged me today:-)

  4. Angela, I have to tell you that if you get anything out of all my ramblings all glory to God!!! It is encouraging to know that God is using these ramblings to minister to others:-) I praise Him for that!
