Thursday, December 4, 2008

Struggling to be Consistent

I've really been struggling with consistent 0-5 eating for the past month or so. I know the downward spiral began around halloween with all the chocolates in the house. And it has continued to be a challenge to manage my sugar cravings with holiday treats and so on.

I think the TLT approach to eating has also contributed to a bit of the yo-yoing I've been doing. I had initially rejected the TLT study due to the extremely structured nature of the eating schedule - liquids, half days, normal days and fast days. When it came to my attention that I could follow 0-5 eating while doing TLT I decided it was worth pursuing. But I have to admit I have yo-yoed here and there, dabbling in the TW eating approach and then the TLT eating approach and then back again etc.

What I really felt convicted of today, as I looked at a shockingly high # on my scale, is to simply focus on consistency in 0-5 eating rather then getting swayed this way and that by the eating schedule of TLT program (which I am CERTAIN has its time and place and helps many people as they seek to surrender eating to the Lord). All I know is the gracious approach that TW endorses following 0-5 eating in surrender to the Lord has completely resonated with me. And I feel that I should primarily be aiming for the TW approach to eating.

So I move forward with this as my aim.

Consistency. No exceptions.

Fill up on God. Get fat on Jesus:-) I want this filling up to occur throughout the entire day, moment by moment, particularily in the midst of temptation.

Eat only when hungry, savouring the food and follow keys to conscious eating. Stop when satisfied.

Simple as that.

I know that I need to keep calling out to God throughout this whole process, looking to Him to satisfy me, the Living Water. If He calls me to fast I need to listen. If He calls me to stop in the middle of a cookie, I need to listen (as Paula wonderfully modelled today!). If I'm tired I need to find something other then a handful of candy to relax and rejuvenate me.

With that being said I think it is time for something that has worked for me in the past few months~another three day challenge for myself. Three days of no exceptions! (That's tough as I enter the weekend!)

So here I go planning for a few "trials" or challenges that will be ahead of me the upcoming three days, for which I will give account afterwards.

Today (Thursday):
I'm already hungry for supper but will wait until supper is ready in an hour. I will ask the Lord to help me discern how to eat a moderate amount. I should probably be going straight to a time of prayer and bible reading right about now!

I'm volunteering for a school field trip. I hope to be hungry prior to heading to the school. If I'm not hungry I'll just bring along a granola bar or something quick to eat on the bus or at our destination.

In the evening we are heading to a buffet restaurant with some friends. I will just need to focus on keys to conscious eating, leaning on the Lord throughout. And I will need to avoid eating when I get home, when I'm kicking back my feet and relaxing! I think even holding our guinea pigs in my lap while watching a TV show could help me stay away from food and also satisfy my likely desire to veg a little.

Apart from the usual challenges to follow 0-5, the other hurdle that I may face is simply being hungry in time for the scheduled pizza supper during our drama dress rehearsal. I should be able to manage that, in the Lord's strength of course, if I'm not greedy for food earlier in the day. And then, after our church play performance, I should probably stay away from the refreshments and focus on the purpose of the time, which is to visit and mingle with friends and families. Plus we'll need to get the kids back home and into bed after a long tiring day so we won't stick around long. Next hurdle will likely be the tiredness that I will likely be feeling when I get home late in the evening after about 8 hours with 40 children and performing etc! I know I need to pray about this one in advance as this will be a very long and tiring day.

Usual daily challenges I will face. Just one step at a time with the Lord's help and strength. And once again a late night due to the second christmas drama performance in the evening. So I'll likely be feeling just a little tired out:-)

Well, that's about it for today. I will keep y'all updated:-) I probably won't be blogging too much the next few days due to all the things scheduled the next three days.


  1. Are you still going to go through TLT? Tomorrow morning I take a big step and get on the scale myself, yikes! I'll be praying for you the next few days. I think it's a good idea to have my accountability/food/exercise log, so I will give you a password to that site. Tomorrow I commit to follow 0-5 eating and to post what I eat on my other blog. I trust you'll hold me accountable to the amount of food I eat, not the type :-)

    Tomorrow my biggest challenge is dinner. We're taking my Mom out to Longhorn Steakhouse, so I'll plan on eating half my meal and bringing the half home.

    Thanks for mentioning me in this post.

    Love ya!

  2. Lord,

    Bless the Christmas play that Christina is a part of... may others come to see your love and light. Thank you for the blessing of Christina in my life.

    In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  3. I'm definitely still working through TLT! I think it is a fabulous study! I have learned so much from it and know it is being used by God to help me surrender this area to Him. I just find I'm kind of feeling torn as I see what the program is advising in regards to eating and 0-5 eating.

    Thanks so much for your prayers, Paula. I've been praying for you too. And I love the idea of deeper accountability. I'll do the same with my original daily food & exercise log.

    Your mom's bday just keeps on going and going doesn't it:-) I'll be praying for you in regards to your celebration and dinner tomorrow night too.

    Thanks for your prayer for me btw.

    Father, I lift up Paula and her family to you. I pray that tomorrow's dinner would go smoothly and that you would give Paula love and grace to extend to her mom. I pray that you would soften her mom's heart and convict her of the need to also extend love to Paula. I pray that it would be a wonderful time together. Please help Paula maintain godly boundaries with her eating as well. In Jesus name, amen.

  4. Paula, I got my food/exercise blog up to date by the way.
