Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thin Within~Day 6

I made it through the munchie mood when I hit my emotional low today. Thanks to those of you who prayed. I'm thankful to God for answered prayer and helping me. Interesting timing as today's chapter hit on "fat machinery." I'm more prone to eating outside 0-5 when I'm tired or emotionally drained. I'm glad I had pre-planned and thought of some ideas for possible "escapes" from temptation as listed in this previous post. Praying and posting to my blog and then calling my mom and dad (not in regards to this, but just to chat) were all part of God's provisions for me in that moment of temptation. Thanks, Lord!

I hope and pray that I will be able to continue tackling temptation with His provisions, rather then floundering around in my own weakness.

Here's how it's going with my "top ten goals" in the past two days...

#1.) Spend time in daily TW reading and devotions each day. YES
#2.) Spend at least 10 minutes in focussed prayer each day. YES
#3.) Eat 0-5 consistently. YES
#4.) Practice eating the
"first meal of the rest of your life" on a regular basis by using the keys to conscious eating. YES
#5.) 20 minute cardio exercise 3-4x each week. YES
#6.) Get into bed, lights out by 10:30 pm each weeknight. YES
#7.) Spend time with each family member doing something meaningful--both my girls and my husband. YES
#8.) Each day do a 5 minute clutter tackle. NO
#9.) Each day count a blessing. YES
#10.) Spend 15 minutes each day encouraging a friend--either by email, phone call or a card or note. YES

And here's my exercise & eating log for the day...

Exercise: 30 minutes brisk walk

0-4 at 9:45am
0-5 at 2:00pm
0-5 at 6:45pm

Well that's it for me tonight :-)


  1. I can attest to #10, what would I do without your advice? I am so sorry I was busy with church yesterday and flu shots and wasn't aware of your struggles. Praise God prayers were answered and you made it through and today too. Thanks for the advice about the "drinks". If you check out my post today, you won't be surprised at the outcome.

    Love in Christ,

  2. Awesome, Paula! I think it is great how you are observing and correcting and not getting dragged down by a single defeat:-) Keep on keeping on my friend! I'm praying for you!
