Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I feel like...

...eating my way through a box of halloween chocolates!!!
Okay, I have been munching on sugary dessert treats for too extended of a time after the supper. Gotta stop NOW! I am feeling tired and wanting to sit back and relax and enjoy and savour something sweet NOW.

The reason this became a problem is that I ate my entire supper on the run, eating for the sake of eating (which was necessary) as I had to rush out of the house to play practice 15 minutes after I concluded my last piano lesson.

Soooo...lesson learned is I need to be a CONSCIOUS eater! In hindsight I wish I had just eaten a reasonable portion of the main course to maybe a #4 (being more conscious throughout that meal) and then enjoyed my sweet treat (in a more moderate amount) after I got back, after the kids were in bed, when I could really savour the treat... That time would be about right *now*!

But I have already had enough and stopped and thought about "renewing" of my mind as I had posted today. I need to find satisfaction in something other then food right about now.

And I will:-) I'm here on my blog, writing out my feelings, which is satisfying. I have invited God into this moment. I will sit back and relax and visit with my husband. Maybe I'll watch a TV show. I don't know yet....but I choose to find enjoyment and relaxation in something other then food right now.

Lord, I give you these emotions right now. I recognize that my flesh longs to do what I know is not your will. I know you have equipped me with all I need and I pray that I would walk on this path of your provision right now. Amen.


  1. Way to go, Christina! You did exactly what you were supposed to do. You are choosing to become a slave to righteousness by choosing to obey Him. :-)

  2. Amen, God has equipped us with all we need. Satan keeps telling me I can't do this without dieting laws, but I say the devil is a liar. I can do this with God's help and provisions.

  3. Thanks ladies for your encouraging words. Let's just keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and capture each and every thought and moment and make it captive and obededient to Him.
