Sunday, October 19, 2008

God Equips

I've had a few things hitting me the past couple days...

First of all, Heidi wrote something on the thinwithin forums that really resonated. She wrote the following (here's the link):

Another thing that helps is to ask God to change my thinking from "How much can I eat before I go too far" to "How efficient is my body? How little do I need to sustain my body and to have energy suitable for the day?" Granted, if a person has had difficulty with anorexic behavior in the past, this might end up being a slippery slope or worse. For those of us who have never had trouble like that, though, this can be the difference between greed and humble success. When I allow God to work in me with this mindset, I am floored at the difference it

I thought it was such a practical and God-focussed-glorifying way to approach eating. Too often I ask the first quesiton (in my own way) "How much can I eat before I go too far?" It's time to change that question and surrender more fully to the Lord and His will.

Then today in my TW reading of chapter 14, the following verse jumped out at me (again):

For it is GOD who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Philippians 2:13

I found this so incredibly encouraging to know that it's not my own strength and effort that is needed to change. It's not MY strength or power that is needed to take captive all thoughts and make them obedient to Christ...but rather bending my knees before the Lord and asking for HIS help and strength and equipping. This is the path of HIS provision.


  1. Hi Christina!

    I just want to "second" the caution not to think this way if one has dealt with anorexic behavior/thoughts. (Perfectionists are especially prone from what I have read.)

    I have had anorexic tendencies/thought patterns i nthe past (never got too skinny or anything) but I was on my way and had this exact mindset. It was like, "If eating less is good, eating the least amount possible is best!"

    I know that's not Heidi or TW or your heart AT ALL, but I never thought I would fall into that thinking and I am still dealing with it to a degree...Actually Jesus is dealing with it! :-)

    Love your blog :-)

  2. Thanks for your input, Brandi:-) It's clearly wise to highlight this caution to those who have struggled with anorexic behaviors/thoughts.

    I took a look at your blog! Wow! I didn't realize you had put that together just prior to the summer. Looks awesome! I'll definitely be visitting "you" often:-)

    Praying for you.
    Christina :-)
