Friday, October 31, 2008

Thin Within~Day 15

First of all, in regards to today's chapter, this link recaps the "first meal of the rest of your life".

This stood out in particular...
Ask God to help you honor the body He has given you by maintaining the appropriate boundaries. TW pg154
Then in my quiet time I was reading (in reference to end times):
If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. Matthew 24:43

Today is halloween. I know there are many differing beliefs as to whether to participate in this day or not... Regardless, there is probably an excess amount of sweet treats in just about everybody's houses at this time of year. The candy companies know how to market their products!

With lots of treats comes lots of temptations for me...

I *know* what time the "thief" is coming--it's NOW! I don't want the thief to break in and steal and destroy all that God has been doing in my heart and life. I want to be on watch and prayerful. I want to have appropriate God-inspired boundaries in place and ready.
I gave this to the Lord first thing in the morning. I have been offered chocolates at work, then leftover pizza slices... And I know the "assault" of temptations will continue! But I am going to stand firm, watch and pray. Thank you Lord for helping me through all the temptations I've already faced...and the ones I know I will soon be facing.

So I aim to wait for hunger for my lunchtime meal. I want to continue following the guidelines described in the "first meal of the rest of your life" exercise. And tonight, after supper and when the treats start to come into the house in excess...I choose to give it to the Lord and eat in moderation. And those prayers will need to continue for the whole weekend and then the upcoming weeks as candy will still be around the house!

My eating log today (so far):

0-5 at 8:45am
0-5 at 1:30pm
0 at 4:45pm (waiting for supper with friends before heading out trick or treating)
0-5 at 5:30pm
4-9/10 late evening


  1. Welcome to your new blog home! The name is great! I see we're on a "different" challenge. I was going through the Thin Within Book, you must be doing a workbook. Since we're not on the same day, I'll probably just post how I'm doing on a day to day basis and not specific to a certain day or chapter.

  2. Paula,

    I'm definitely following the Thin Within book. I was reading chapter 15 today. Maybe we're reading different chapters??? Today's chapter had the exercise with the "first meal of the rest of your life"...

    Then I mentioned a passage I'd read in my own quiet time from Matthew.

    God was speaking to me about being watchful and prayerful about boundaries today.

    Maybe you're getting confused because my thoughts are not entirely TW specific, thought usually are the launching pad for what God impresses on me.

  3. You're right, that makes perfect sense. I didn't post today because I had alot of drama going on and used that as my excuse to overeat. I pray to be back on track tomorrow.

  4. I love the picture you added of the broken fence. How many times have I let that fence break? However, God's mercies are new every morning,and I am soooo thankful.
