Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Whirlwind Weekend

This is a google image...not my own personal picture,
but certainly captures much of the beauty of fall that we experienced this past weekend.

We travelled out of town and had a good visit with Jon's parents and his grandmother this past thanksgiving weekend. It was quite the whirlwind weekend, with more then a few testing spots for me! I prayed tons this time round as I was well aware that I was going to be vulnerable, open to the enemy's attacks. And God was faithful and helped me through it.

One victory I'd like to recall is that I prayed God would help me not dig into any food one particular evening. I definitely credit God with helping me through that time. It is so encouraging to have actually dealt with temptation head on in this way. I hope to do this much more often. Thanks, Lord.

I generally ate 0-5 about two out of three or four times a day. Not perfect, but still not completely off track. Thanks, Lord.

As I look back at what I ate I have to say it is sometimes surprising how much less I generally eat now as compared to before. It's encouraging to see these small changes. Thanks, Lord.

Well, that's about it for now. Back to "real" life:-)


  1. Praise God. Thank you for being steadfast and such a good example for me.

  2. I found your feedback interesting...as so often I feel as FAR from steadfast as could be!!! I wander off on my own path so often...

    But, I also know that deep down it is SOOOO worth it to keep on keeping on, living moment for moment for God and following TW principles for eating.

    Today didn't feel like a very "good" TW day...

    Time for yet another (of umpteen!) restart:-) I sure am thankful for God's faithfulness and patience with me!!!!
