Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thin Within~Day 13

The intimacy God wants to share with us increases as we release to Him our unmet needs and our expectations of others and ourselves. It occurs by degrees as we surrender our mind, emotions, and will to Him. It occurs in obedience to His will as we look to Him moment by moment for inspiration and accept His equipping and His empowerment. He intends that His grace should infuse every aspect of our lives. TW pg 131

Only God can truly satisfy my every need. THIS God--my Creator, my Savior, my Father--is so trustworthy and faithful and WORTH surrendering all to! The following song has been quite instrumental in my journey over the past number of months.

"Nothing Else" by Matthew West

I made it through last night without munching, praise God! Once I got here and posted, I was able to step back and really see all that God was providing for me in that moment. I enjoyed the company of my husband, Jon. I snuggled with our new pet, Vanilla. I chatted on the phone to a dear friend. Thanks Lord!

In regards to exercise...
I think exercise just may become my November goal! I'm not sure what's going on. I have been "off" the exercise bandwagon for the past 1 1/2 months after faithfully enjoying exercise for about 6 months. I think it is just part of the adjustment to new routines in fall. I know I'll get back to a "good" place with all this once again.

In regards to eating...
Here's the rundown of my eating for today so far:

0-5 at 8:30am
0-5 at 1:00pm
0-3 at 5:00pm
0-5 at 6:30pm

I felt like I wasn't quite as mastered by sugar today. That will continue to be my prayer. I've also sought to be intentional at each eating occasion, inviting God into it and asking for His guidance and help.

Well, that's it for today:-)


  1. I can't tell you how much that song ministered and convicted me. I could so relate to that song. Satan has really been on my back today, so I would appreciate your prayers. Thanks for sticking with me through thick or thin.

  2. It is an amazing song. Over the past few months I have often cranked it up real loud in the house and it became my prayer that nothing else can take the place of God...

    I'm so glad you're pressing on, despite Satan's derailing attempts. I'm most definitely praying for you. Just keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.

  3. Hi Christina,

    Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your blog. I read it faithfully and it so encourages me to turn to God during my struggles. Thank you for taking the time to journal and share your journey.

  4. Thanks, Mona, for your kind words. I'm so glad that my own stumbles and learning are able to be used by God.
