Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I feel like eating to stuff my emotions...

AAHHH! Right now I just feel like eating to stuff my frustrated emotions after a tough lunch supervision. I have called out to the Lord for help. And I had came up with writing here as a possible escape/exit from this temptation.

I have such up and down days with this job. I feel so incompetant some days as my authority seems to mean nothing to some kids. I have trouble knowing how to deal with my *own* kids sometimes...let alone ones with lots of baggage and family issues and rebellious attitudes!

Anyways, that's where things are at. I'm frustrated. I feel incompetant. I feel disrespected. I feel clueless. I feel ill equipped for this job. Raw emotions.

And I lift it all up to the Lord.


  1. ((hugs))

    Father, please give Christina a huge heart-hug from me. Please give her strength and peace to fill any holes that need fillin'.

    Thank you for equipping her with choice, and the strength to post, asking for your help to evade this wave of temptation.

    Please also fill her to overflowing with patience and love, as she deals with kids who seem to need a whole lot of both.

    Thank you Father! AMEN!

  2. Amen and thank you SOOOO much Lundie. You got me a good way:-) Thanks for the heart hug and prayer.

  3. Great job did exactly what you needed to do!

    It is so refreshing to hear about other people who immediately want to stuff their face when stress builds up.

    Jesus was tempted in EVERY way...take comfort in knowing He understands too!
