Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Okay, right now I'm just procrastinating on a job I *really* don't feel like doing...budget updates! AAAHH! So, here I am at the computer and I had a thought come to mind that I really wanted to share and document.

I have noticed over the past number of months that I have become quite comfortable with using scripture in so many situations, in prayers, in thoughts, in counsel etc...

For the past couple years I desired to have a better understanding and application of scripture and to be able to pray scripture. It's interesting how God answered this prayer of mine by bringing into my life "Thin Within" and also the "David: 90 days" study by Beth Moore. Both of these books are helping me grow in this area.

And the growth is beginning to make itself evident as the Holy Spirit brings scripture to mind so much more often. When I feel down, happy, thankful, sad, lonely, in need, convicted of sin/guilt etc....and also when I speak with friends and give "counsel"....and especially as I pray and spend time with the Lord.

This became particularily clear to me yesterday as I visitted with a friend whose husband just left her this past week. It was like the Holy Spirit just spoke through me as scripture after scripture began to come to mind and I encouraged this friend to look to the promises in the Bible, to pray these promises and to trust God at this time as she travels in a valley.

Praise God, praise God, praise God!!!! That's all I can say! He is SOOOO amazing and good and hears my prayers. Okay I'm beginning to think this post belongs in my "counting my blessings" blog:-) I am just thankful that God is helping me grow in this area as it really makes a difference in my life moment by moment...for it is God speaking to me personally through scripture all day long! How amazing is that?! Thank you, Lord, for your Word.


  1. Wow, Christina...I mean, I just saw your picture. You look awesome! (Neat blog entry today, too...LOL!) I haven't had time to go wandering through friends' blogs in a long time, so thought I would stop by. God is doing a MIGHTY work in you!

  2. Thanks, Heidi, for your encouragement:-) I want all glory to go directly to God for the things He has worked in my heart and life.
