Monday, October 27, 2008

Thin Within~Day 11

Today feels like a bit of a blur! I was volunteering at school in the morning and then did my lunch supervision job. When I got home I got to work getting Vanilla's, our new guinea pig, cage cleaned up. After the kids and Jon got home we all got busy making a bigger home space for Vanilla and just getting acquainted with her. And then there was teaching a piano lesson, homework, christmas drama line practice, reading etc...

And that brings me to now:-)

I can't say I've been living moment by moment practising the Lord's presence. It's hard to remember to be mindful of Him each and every moment of each day...taking captive each and every thought. I long and pray for this.

Today's chapter is a great one! I have learned much from this chapter on many different occasions.

The part that resonated with me today was how it highlighted our thought pattern of thinking"This is my body, and I can do with it as I please." Sadly this didn't hit me when I needed it most... I am thinking about this in hind sight, after digging into too many Halloween chocolates. I didn't eat past #5, but at the same time believe I could easily have been satisfied with less if I had just sought the Lord's will and direction and looked to Him for strength and power.

So, that is my goal for tomorrow... Make sure I invite the Lord into each meal and ask Him to show me when to stop and also to help me stop. I feel like a bit of a broken record as I know I've made this my aim many times... I find it really tough to do!

Here's my exercise and eating log for today:

Exercise: still x

0-5 at 8:30am
0-5 at 1:00pm
0-5 at 5:00pm


  1. Christina - Thank you SO much for your faithfulness on this journey. I feel I am failing each of you for not being a better leader. I hope I can learn more from all of you about how to behave in a way that reflects my relationship.

    I guess that really means I need to focus more on the relationship, huh? Boy I hate it when I realize truth so belatedly! :)

    Talk to you tomorrow!

  2. I left a message for Lundie telling her, I think I bit off more than I can chew (no pun intended) by jumping into this challenge. I'm not going to be able to keep up. Bill and I are currently doing The Love Dare, and it's hard enough to keep up with that too. I'm going to have to leave this 30 day challenge and take things at my own pace.

    You're right Christina, it's too personal to post on my Paula's Walk site. I took my TW site down again. I'm giving up journaling my experience online.

    I'm going to continue to apply the principles of TW and will keep checking in on all of you.

    Yours In Christ,

  3. Christina, I'm posting to you what I did to Lundie, that I made the previous comment based on fatigue and feelings of failure. I should've read Day 10 before I commented, because once I did, I've decided to press on... Hope you'll continue to hang in there with me...I posted about Day 10 on

    Your Sis In Christ,
