Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Keeping on keeping on

(This is just a google image by the way! I'd never be that brave!)
It's amazing how one day (or even moment) I feel in a place of surrender to the Lord...and then within moments, minutes, hours, days I'm in a place of rebellion and not listening to or leaning on the Lord.

I've had a couple "off" 0-5 eating days once again. It's at these times that I get discouraged. But one thing I've realized in the past day is that I *do* keep on keeping on:-)

I know that our God is a gracious, forgiving, personal, merciful, loving God... I know that He is walking right alongside me throughout my entire life journey.

I feel I need to take the step and do some observation and correction in regards to my past weekend and week. I've pinpointed that tiredness is a major hinderance when it comes to 0-5 eating. I am definitely vulnerable and VERY open to temptation. I go into a willful rebellion mode in those moments. Sometimes it is mindless...but most times I'd say it is willful.

So, what can be done???

Here are some ideas I've brainstormed in this moment:
1.) Take a nap when I'm tired.
2.) Lie down and shut my eyes and meditate on the Lord, be quiet before Him and acknowledge His presence and also His promises to help and strengthen me.
3.) Stop, watch and pray.
4.) Delay and put off giving in to the temptation at hand.
5.) Put some God-honoring music on.
6.) Crack open the Bible. God may speak to me in that very moment through scripture.
7.) Call a friend.
8.) Write out what I'm feeling. Maybe I could delay by coming straight to this blog and typing out what I'm feeling in that moment. This may be the way out that God is providing me at that very moment.
9.) Make a cup of hot herbal tea (no sugar/cream) and savour the flavor and aromas, curl up and relax.
10.) Get busy with something else--reading, crafts, watch a t.v. show, go for a walk, read a story to the kids, chat with my husband, go on the computer etc.
11.) A hot bath may be just what I need in that it would help me delay (aka stop), relax some tired muscles, be quiet, and pray.

There are probably many other ideas that I could come up with... These are just a few that come to mind at this moment.

I have to confess too that I really don't know what to do about the scale. I have hopped on it a couple times in the past week, despite my plan to wait until the end of the month. It was a bit discouraging to see 152lbs on the scale... However I have noticed that I tend to fluctuate between 149-152 lbs lately. Maybe that is entirely normal. I hope so. I just don't want to let the weight creep back on. I'm afraid of failure once again. I'm afraid of NOT keeping on keeping on....

So, I give this to the Lord. I give Him my heart, confessing I have missed the mark again and again, that I have been willfully rebellious and that I long for sin to be purged from my heart and life. I want Him to make me new. And I want Him to help me keep on keeping on.... And I'm thankful for His pardon, presence, provisions and power that He is making so readily available to me EACH moment of EACH day! Thank you, Lord!


  1. Christina, I hope it encourages you...I know that I have a weight range that I have been at for a year now...since having lost all of my weight...and it is about a 4 pound range. The lowest number is my "after" weight. I am not often on that number...but in my case I know it is because I don't faithfully eat 0 to 5 constantly. I make compromises. Judy Halliday really admonishes me to get rid of the scale...and to be responsive instead to the hunger scale. I use the scale and the numbers on it to justify what I have "gotten away with" when the truth is, I know it is compromise...and that is sin in my case. Anyhow, I don't know if this is helpful at all...I pray it doesn't come across as condemning!!!!

  2. Thanks for your feedback. Of course it didn't come across at all condemning! Actually it is encouraging to hear that it may be normal to fluctuate within a range of a few pounds. I was thinking that may be the case and was okay with that...

    But then I get this fear that looms over me as I know after my pregnancy with my youngest my weight just went out of control. But then I also know I wasn't following 0-5 eating.

    In regards to the scale... I just don't quite know what to do. On the one hand I know that logically there is no reason to step on the scale if I'm following 0-5 eating. I should be able to trust that God made my body to be its natural size.

    Why would I even care about the # on the scale? Often I ask myself if the # was higher then I liked would I then decide to "starve" myself, skip a meal, cut back on something, eat diet foods etc? If that is the case, I don't feel that is a healthy attitude.

    I really believe that I just need to keep on keeping on! I need to just keep surrendering to God and eating 0-5 and not worry about that #. So that is what my head says. But then the fear of past mistakes looms over me... *sigh* I don't want it creeping up on me again!

    Anyways, enough rambling from me! I am just going to keep on keeping on:-)

  3. Christina, I have the same problem with tiredness. I have a HUGE problem eating at night after I get home from work. All the way home I tell myself "I'm not going to eat, I'm not going to eat" but then I just do it anyway. It's a good thing I don't work more than a couple of evenings a week LOL! I also notice my weight flucuates between about 3 to 4 pounds no matter what I've eaten. I think you are doing great (and you look great too).


  4. Thanks, Karen, for your feedback! Good to hear I'm not the only one who struggles with tiredness and eating and also with the weight fluctuations.
