Sunday, April 27, 2008

MARCH - TW Intro

February 29th (introduction):
I know this isn't March, but I started the TW book again today!

Well, today I started back into the book. I think my goal is to read a chapter daily as it will help me stay focussed better. I’m really still struggling so much with my eating. I was talking with my daughter today about how God promises to provide a way out when feeling tempted to sin… I encouraged her to find the “exit” at these times, even if it was the “narrow path”. It was a good reminder to me to find the exit that God is providing each and every time I’m tempted. I need to pray about that.

I read the intro and once again am hit by this:

Are you ready to be set free….
From the compelling call of food? YES! Feels magnetic at times!
From reacting to the demands of your impulses that say, “I want it and I want it now”? YES! Once again magnetic!
From past failures? YES! This one is really weighing me down right now.

Are you ready….
To respond to the high calling of a God who loves you and longs to secure you in His sovereignty? YES! I need to really rest in God’s love.
To live the abundant life? Christ in you, the hope of glory. YES! Definitely want to experience the abundant life!

YES YES YES YES YES! To every one of those! I just can’t believe how difficult it is to have victory with this temptation! It is just crazy how many times I have tried and tried and tried again. Very frustrating actually!

The prayer at the end of the intro really spoke to me and is my prayer as well at this time.

Dear God,Thank You for being with me as I begin this journey. I must admit I am a bit hesitant about this process because I have ‘started’ and ‘stopped’ so many times before. I pray that I might see You as never before and be set free from my heartaches over food, eating and my body. Lord, I know diets or other things I have tried have not worked in the long run. I know You have something so much better for me, so I invite You to show me truth. Open my eyes and release me from the chaines that bind me. Open my heart unto You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

My eating today was not in the zone, but was okay considering. I didn’t feel I was very “greedy” for food today.

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