Sunday, April 27, 2008

MARCH - TW ch 29

March 29th food log:

I found it interesting doing the survey on p. 309-312. I found there actually were some changes to some of the answers compared to a month ago. Kind of neat actually. I feel I’m actually not worrying about my weight and food as much. I find this quite interesting as in the past I was much more consumed and stressed about this when eating within hunger/fullness. I feel this is a change in the right direction. Also, I feel there have been changes in my approach towards social eating. I don’t feel it is as much of a problem. I feel like I’ve experienced some victory in this area. I DEFINITELY know that my attention towards eating to fullness has changed. This is something I have never focussed on properly. I have tended to only focus on hunger “0”. So, this is quite an encouraging change as well. And I definitely feel I have changed in my approach towards eating….I have the conscious eating tips ingrained in my thinking. So, praise God for these changes. I’m encouraged to look back and see some changes. I look forward to these being cemented further. I really want to see 0-5 eating just flow naturally from me, no stress about it, but just flowing as second nature. I look forward to the day when it just works that way. I feel I’m on the right path right now. I also look forward to the day when I experience victory in the face of temptation. ...actually the focus needs to be entirely on God and the ways of escape that He has provided, as this is the only true hope for victory. This is definitely an area that needs to be focussed on.

A couple verses I have found have stood out to me over the past while are:

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
1 Corinthians 10:13

Hmmm….I never noticed before that the passages references were nearly identical with the “1” and “3” switched around! Interesting!!! That should help stick it in my memory!

Here are some goals (to be done in God’s strength) I have for the next stretch as I will have completed the book as of tomorrow…
1.) Re-read highlighted portions of book and also my journaling.
2.) Continue keeping a daily journal and food log.
3.) Continue conscious eating and 0-5 eating – aim for at least 90% eating at “0”
4.) Daily, read/study topics/words under the concordance and personalize/pray these verses.
5.) Exercise 20 minutes 5x/week starting April 1st.
6.) Make a daily schedule to help fulfill goals and follow God’s leading.
7.) Plan for trials and be prepared. Pray a prayer of surrender daily. Look for the escape from temptations.
8.) My goals are:
*mid-April 160lbs
*mid-May 155lbs
*mid-June 150lbs *147lbs by the beginning of summer vacation

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